MYSO Fam For The Win!

Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2022

We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you for participating in our contest and spreading the word about MYSO! MYSO fam for the win!

Thank you all for sharing your replies with us and helping us grow the community, you MYSOers are the best!

It has been incredible to see so many MYSOers join the contest, with more than +2'000 likes, +1'300 replies, +980 retweets. While we must admit we were overwhelmed by the amount of replies we received, we did read through each and every one of them and found a lot of cool and different posts, most incredibly kind and supportive, some funny and entertaining, and some thoughtful and sharp. And obviously, we also found some lucky winners!

tl;dr click 👉here to jump directly to the winner announcement as well as a collection of our “best of replies”.

It has been great to see so many MYSOers recently join the community, growing the discord server by 10x in just one week, and we love the excitement you all have for what MYSO is building. The reason why the MYSO community exists is because we all share the belief that building a liquidation-free and oracle-independent lending and borrowing protocol opens a universe of opportunities with tremendous growth potential. Our vision for the MYSO fam is to cultivate an army of diamond hands that shall take advantage of these opportunities. And we can’t wait to further build this community together with all of you!

Although we’re still in our early days, we’re already starting to see an amazing culture of collaborative, constructive and supportive MYSOers emerge. In this context, we also would like to say a special thank you to all our fabulous moderators @Chow.eth#8826, @tzf#8530, @Chiang#7848, @abc12#3247, @quocthai.17#2036, and @Bikoy#8727 for their outstanding work!

We recently submitted an initial version of IKARUS for a security audit, which shall help us find vulnerabilities to further improve the protocol design. In parallel, we’re planning to open up a private testnet version in late June, in which early adopters will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with our Zero-Liquidation Loan product.

From the +1500 contestants we will select and raffle 200 MYSOers to join the private testnet (we’ll inform selected community members via email) and another 50 will be nominated by moderators (more info to follow on discord). We decided to limit the number of participants in the private testnet to be able to have more meaningful interaction with early adopters and to make the feedback process more efficient. Also, this will allow us to potentially find product evangelists from a smaller group of community members. But don’t worry in case you didn’t make it into the shortlist for the private testnet. We’ll be doing a public testnet afterwards.

We value and recognize community engagement, however, we will refrain from making any promises on potential future token rewards at this stage.

To celebrate the great success of this first contest and to demonstrate our appreciation for key contributors of the MYSO community, we’ve decided to give away another extra reward of 1x 0.1 PAXG, which will be given to the moderator that receives the most thumbs-up from the MYSO fam on our discord server (more infos to follow on discord).

Thank you all! MYSO fam, army of diamond hands, for the win!

