Five Uncomfortable Truths That Will Change How You Think About a Spiritual Awakening

It will break you to pieces.

Katarzyna Portka
Mystic Minds


Photo by Drew Colins on Unsplash

A spiritual awakening can be associated with a bright and shiny promise of never-ending happiness. I know, I had high expectations. Boy, I was wrong.

Yet, hardly anyone tells you that the process of spiritual awakening sucks.

A spiritual awakening is not the absence of suffering. It is the unconditional acceptance of whatever life offers. And it takes practice.

While it transforms how you view the world, a spiritual awakening also invites you to shed obsolete truths and dive into the unknown. No wonder it is scary as hell.

Waking up hurts.

A spiritual awakening is a major wake-up call from the universe. And it can be a slap in the face. Not pretty, huh?

Spiritual awakening has no room for lies.

But the environment we grew up in is full of misinformation, repression, and illusion. When you wake up from the past delusion and start seeing the world with fresh eyes, you will feel uncomfortable.

In the process of spiritual awakening, there are no rose-coloured glasses. You live with the bad and the ugly and learn to perceive it through love and…



Katarzyna Portka
Mystic Minds

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