How Does It Feel To Reunite With Your Twin Flame?

It happened to me after two years of separation and was beyond all my expectations

Anna Foga
Mystic Minds


Photo by Morgan Marinoni on Unsplash

To understand what lead to my reunion with my twin flame, I recommend reading my article about ayahuasca and twin flames first. This particular event gave me the final clue that I needed to reach out to him, to ask if he wanted to reconnect.

I was the runner in my relationship, because I had a very strong intuition that we shouldn’t be together yet. But after two years of separation, I started feeling ready to try to reunite with him again.

But it was also my biggest fear staring straight at me.

What if he rejects me? What if he has another girlfriend? What if he doesn’t feel remotely the same way I feel about him?

Healing ourselves first

There was a piece of me that always knew we were on the same healing journey, but I was also skeptical of the whole twin flame concept and aware that…



Anna Foga
Mystic Minds

Trying to be a fearless writer on topics most people don’t want to talk about