What Does Telepathy With Your Twin Flame Feel Like?

And how you can achieve it

Anna Foga
Mystic Minds


Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Twin flames are never really separated.

I found it hard to understand this at first since all I wanted was to feel my twin flame close to me — physically. But when I reunited with him after being separated for two years and spending a magical night together, I realized I prefer to be with him in another dimension.

We are too triggering for each other in the human world, and I do not want that dynamic in my life anymore. I tried to get him completely out of my mind, but his spirit keeps coming back no matter what I try.

How? He communicates with me telepathically. This probably sounds crazy if you don’t believe in anything that can’t be proven, but the whole twin flame dynamic can’t be proven either. And if you are in a twin flame relationship, everything doesn’t make sense anymore.

So what is telepathy exactly?

The definition of telepathy, according to the dictionary:

the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

The known senses… meaning speech and hearing. Can you communicate with somebody without them actually speaking to you?



Anna Foga
Mystic Minds

Trying to be a fearless writer on topics most people don’t want to talk about