Go to N is for Nuance
N is for Nuance
Open Discourse and Civil Disagreements… Stories and opinions about differences in expression, feeling, opinion, shade, tone, or meaning, with respect to the value of our collective diversity. All shades and perspective welcome. Sardonic humor especially appreciated here. No hate.
Note from the editor

Open Discourse and Civil Disagreements… Stories and opinions about differences in expression, feeling, opinion, shade, tone, or meaning, with respect to the value of our collective diversity. All shades and perspective welcome. Sardonic humor especially appreciated here. No hate.

Go to the profile of ~ZGALA
I am an earthly being of gelled light, playfully being a human here with delight... Artist, Autist, Author, Iconoclast, mother, daughter, teacher, student...
Go to the profile of ~ZGALA
I am an earthly being of gelled light, playfully being a human here with delight... Artist, Autist, Author, Iconoclast, mother, daughter, teacher, student...