Why is it smart to buy ready-to-eat products?

Five benefits of the fresh-cut sector

Comunicazione Naddeo
Naddeo Technologies
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Handy, healthy and time-saving, the products from the fresh-cut sector are an important ally for the daily consumption of fruit and vegetables, promoting and encouraging a balanced diet and a healthy life-style.

How much fruit and vegetables should we eat?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily consumption of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) corresponding to about five servings per day, the so-called 5 a day, a national campaign used in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

According to Eurostat — the European Statistical Office — in 2019, 1 in 3 people in the EU reported not consuming fruit or vegetables every day and only 12% of the population aged 15 and over consumed the 5 recommended servings or more per day. Over half of the European population (55%) consumes between 1 and 4 portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

The highest daily intake of 5 portions was found in Ireland (33% of the population), followed by the Netherlands (30%), Denmark (23%) and France (20%). The lowest daily intake was reported in Romania, followed by Bulgaria, Slovenia and Austria (Source: Daily consumption of fruit & vegetables in the EU, 2019).

But how can we eat 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day?

A valid help is provided by ready for consumption products which are already selected, cutted, washed and ready-to-eat: an ideal solution to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

Photo by pina messina on Unsplash

The 5 benefits

1.Time saving. First of all, ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables allow you to save time. These products are pre-selected, pre-washed and pre-cutted, therefore ready-to-use. That means that consumers could save time and effort in the meals’ preparation, especially if you consider the long timing to clean, cut and cook vegetables or fruit.

2. Nutrient retention. These types of products are typically cut and packaged soon after harvest, which can help retain their nutrients better than products that have been stored for a long time.

3. Reduced food waste. The perfect portion. Fresh-cut products are pre-portioned, which can help reduce food waste by preventing overbuying or overpreparing. You can buy exactly what you eat, avoiding the risk of throwing a whole fruit or an entire vegetable. In addition, sometimes the packages are re-closable in order to consume fruits and vegetables at different times.

4. Convenience. You can consume ready-to-eat products anywhere, as it isn’t necessary to wash and peel fruit. It is a healthy snack even on the go. Fresh-cut products are also versatile in cooking: they can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads and sandwiches to soups and stir-fries.

5. Food safety. Besides the fact that fresh-cut products contain no preservatives, they are always washed and sanitized before packaging, which can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness or food poisoning.

Overall, fresh-cut products can offer a convenient, healthy and versatile option for home cooks or consumers.

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