Gearing Up for our Novel Writing Adventure on Medium

Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
Sent as a


2 min readOct 25, 2016
Rocket Pen on

Wrimos, it’s T-minus 7 days until the lift-off of National Novel Writing Month on November 1!

Your responses to our pre-flight post “Your ideas wanted for the NaNoWriMo Publication” inspired the publication’s mission this year.

We adopted NaNoWriMo’s 2016 Space theme. We anticipate endless astronaut metaphors to last us the entire month of November and beyond.

Here’s what you’ll find on the publication this year …

In Mission Control, we invite you to respond to our weekly writing prompts, geared to give you ideas and add to your word count. Tell us about your Wrimo style by responding to our first prompt, out today!

Are you sharing your NaNoWriMo experience on Medium during the month? We want to include your posts in Flight Logs!

Are you posting your NaNoWriMo draft on Medium during the month of November? First off, kudos to you! Let us know, and we’ll feature an introduction, synopsis, and/or index of your draft in our In-Flight section.

Got a question? Pose it as a response in the the Flight Manual. This is where you’ll find Frequently and Seldomly Asked Questions. It’s also a place to ask for help!

Our publication is a thriving, supportive community because of you! We welcome your reads, responses, and recommend hearts — whether you’re actively writing a novel this November, or watching from the launchpad.

Leave a note on this post, or email nanowrimo at medium dot com to be added as a writer to the publication and to submit your posts.

We applaud you as we all strap ourselves in for this year’s adventure! A yet-untold universe awaits!

Julie Russell & Shawn White



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.