#NaNoWriMo 2016 Live Draft Index: The Ones Between the Lines

hala saleh
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
1 min readNov 2, 2016
Trying to be all zen and get writing inspo.

This is the index of my first attempt at participating in a #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) event, and my first attempt at writing a series of short stories. Following are links to each of the “chapters”.

It is scary, daunting, and vulnerable to be doing this, which is probably exactly why I should do it. Also, accountability. I’m hoping this helps me actually push through and get more done than I otherwise would have.

Since these are being posted as I’m writing them, they are still works in progress and may be edited as I go.

Thanks to Shawn White and Julie Russell for encouraging and supporting the writing community.


0: The Ones Between the Lines: Intro

1: How to Eat an Elephant

2: Doctor, Doctor, Will I Die?



hala saleh
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

People-driven Products, Sunrise/sunset and light chaser. Always learning.