Last note of 2017.

Naofal Ali
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017
Unspash — Wil Stewart

I am grateful.

2017 has been full of achievements. Once again, you have been thousands of people to read my notes. I have been blessed in many ways in my professional such as personal lives. Of course, I have also experienced some falls, some hard knocks… But here I am. Sturdy and ready for the new challenges.

But first, let’s take stock of my projects for 2017.

About the venture capital

I am thrilled to announce to you the launch of Ashanti Ventures. The first In our mission to support the entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of the continent, Ashanti Ventures has set up a branch dedicated to research. From time to time, we will produce research notes on the most critical issues that SME’s face in Africa. In this logic, a few articles are even already available on our corporate blog. Thereby, our ambition is to provide young entrepreneurs ready-to-use advice in operations, and strategic insights.

About the think tank

In our mission to accompany those who built tomorrow’s Africa today, Ashanti Ventures has configured a publication department. From time to time, we will produce research notes on some of the most critical issues that SME’s face in Africa. In this logic, a few articles are even already available on our corporate blog. Thereby, our ambition is to provide to young entrepreneurs ready-to-use advice in their business operations, and strategic analyses of their industries, countries, or competitors.

About the book

Unfortunately, there has been less progress than excepted on this topic. But, I am still working on it. Hopefully, good news will be to come by the end of 2018.

Second, I want to share with you few lessons that I harshly learned this year

1) Nothing is a right. Everything is a chance.

Take a look around you. Some people work twice harder than you just to get half of your wage. On another hand, some work twice less to get ten times your wage. Life doesn’t always reward efforts. Chance is also part of the equation. Accept it. Be humble in times of abundance, and stay confident in difficult times.

2) A wrong decision even made by a majority remains what it is. A wrong decision.

Do not be afraid of contradiction. Develop your convictions. What matters is not how many people are talking, but what they are saying. Don’t pay attention to the crowd’s size. Pay attention to its agreements.

3) It’s okay to fail, but only if that makes you a better person.

I have learned a lot from my failures this year. I have learned that there is a right time for everything, a proper place too, that many paths can lead to the same place, and that the most important is to never give up on my dreams after a single trial. When you crack a match that does not light, do not throw the whole box. Try the next match instead.

4) Trying to control everything is a lost battle

The real control is to know that you never have it all. It implies two things. (1) To learn how to embrace uncertainty and be prepared for it. (2) To learn how to make it with whatever life gives to you.

5) If you can’t change a thing, maybe you change the way you see it.

There are things you will never change, no matter how hard you try. Stop trying. Sometimes, life is a matter of perspective.

6) Know your value

Do not accept less than what you worth. But If you do, use it as a path to get even more than what you worth.

7) Find people who care about you enough to always tell you the truth

This will prevent you from making so much mistakes that you could regret later. It will not be always easy, but it will worth it. For sure. Trust me, this can change or save a life.

For 2018,

I wish you all the best. Good health, a lovely family, success, and people to love and to rely on. Entering this year is one more chance to make our dreams come true. Let’s use it wisely.

Blessings on blessings.

Happy new year!




Naofal Ali

In love with Africa, entrepreneurship, development questions and people.