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Father, aspiring writer, fledgling filmmaker and occasional philosopher.
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Vulnerability and strength

It is difficult to resist the conclusion that twentieth-century man has decided to abolish himself. Tired of the struggle to be himself, he has created boredom out of his own affluence, impotence out of his own erotomania, and vulnerability out of his own strength. He himself blows…

Italy’s natural selection

A good piece from The New York Times. “Dear Lord, I was born under Mussolini, please do not let me die under Berlusconi.”
[Updated] Another good article on the state of politics in Europe.

Dreams and Diaries II

This excellent review of 1994 Cannes winner, Caro Diario, captures what I had hoped The Cinema of Nanni Moretti: Dreams and Diaries would.

“Moretti’s three-part movie-essay is structured as a wry, affectionate and very funny odyssey through the Roman suburbs, the Aeolian Isles, and the…