Weekly Inspirations

2019 — Q2W23 — Creativity & Passion

The ability to unleash creativity and passion is a key wellspring of self-leadership.

Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you’re passionate about something, then you’re more willing to take risks. — Yo-Yo Ma

1. Tune into what truly inspires you and live with integrity and passion.

We spend a large part of our lives listening to what others think, following what others expect of us, meeting societal norms of good and bad, following early years advice of parents and teachers.

The sooner we stop following other people’s truths and find what we believe in, what we want to do, what truly inspires us, the sooner we will get more happy and successful. As the famous saying goes, do not ask what the world needs but seek what makes you feel truly alive because what the world needs are people that have come alive. Living with such integrity to who we truly are opens the road to flourishing.

2. Cherish and foster creativity, imagination, beauty, and arts as the essence of being a human.

We sometimes talk of creativity and imaginations as skills, of beauty as a result and art as an option. Rather than being something we have invented or something we need to learn, creativity, imagination, sense of beauty and arts are intrinsic to us, they are our essence as human beings.

Invite them, provoke them and nurture them as a way to experience the ultimate level of creativity, freedom and proficiency.

3. Improvise, cherish humour, laughter and playfulness as the essence of being truly alive.

We are often so focused on following rules, procedures and plans that we forget to laugh, have fun and we think that we will fail or get embarrassed if we improvise.

The fact is we are all able to improvise by spontaneously following the inspiration of the moment. In such moments we intuitively know where we are going, even though we are in a completely new territory. These moments are about dropping expectations and plans and inviting pure joy and inspiration.

Here are the rest of the wellsprings of self-leadership.

21 Wellsprings of Self-Leadership | Eudaimonia Solutions



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