The Drama of the Flaming Sunset

I’m a sucker for sunsets.

Akshay Gajria
Nature photography


Is it the poet in me, or are sunsets simply divine? I don’t know. I love them. I wish I could forever live suspended in the eternal glow of a sunset. But that cannot be the case. The closest I can come is by clicking pictures. And with the sun as a natural light source, sunsets make picture perfects.

Thanks to my iPhone 5 I have managed to capture a few sunsets in their eternal glory. This, here, is the only way I can share a sunset with you.

Nothing can survive the passage of Time.

These pictures are taken just a few minutes apart from each other and show just how many different colours the sky takes on during a sunset.

May the sun shine down upon you forever.

The sun’s light will burst through any clouds. The creator of silver linings, the sun is the ultimate sign of hope.

By the dying light, we shall see the way.

The beach remains the best place to catch a sunset. Human life thrives under the dying light of the sun.

An enlightened mind, a higher being.

You get the best silhouettes with the sun as your light source.

The Sentinel.

A sunset sets the right mood for the images. Without the sun, there would be no life worth capturing.

On the road, to catch the sun.

Even when on the move, I take a minute to capture sunsets.

Look up, to see the moon smiling down at you.

Sometimes, the sun is not alone to greet you. The moon comes along smiling as well.

The Drama of the Flaming Sunset

A single walk down the beach can change your life. If there exists a god, he is a divine artist.

To share a sunset with a friend.

The best things in life are worth sharing. So are these sunsets.

Note: I am not a photographer, just an observer. All pictures above are mine and free to use, if you think they can help you. Do give credits ☺

Follow me on Instagram @axhayy for pictures of sunsets and more.

