Go to Nature Words
Nature Words
Nature Words is the Young Ecosystem Service Specialists’ (YESS) blog. Find out what our members from all over the world have to say about our environment!
Note from the editor

Nature Words is the Young Ecosystem Service Specialists’ (YESS) blog. Find out what our members from all over the world have to say about our environment!

Go to the profile of YESS
YESS stands for Young Ecosystem Service Specialists. We are a global network of early-career researchers in the field of ecosystem services.
Go to the profile of Thuận Sarzynski
Thuận Sarzynski
SDG Warrior, World Citizen, Capitalist Hippie, Scientist, Polyglot, Storyteller, Writer, Earthling, Tree Hugger, Food Lover, Adoptee & Otaku
Go to the profile of Carla Elliff
Carla Elliff
Ocean lover and science writer.
Go to the profile of Carla Washbourne
Carla Washbourne
Science-lover who abhors free time. Associate Prof in environmental science and policy. Doctor of soil. Sporadic comedian. Occasional music journalist
Go to the profile of Andrew Kadykalo
Andrew Kadykalo
Ecologist at heart. Statistician/Social Scientist in practice. Driven to (re)connect people and nature.
Go to the profile of Nina N. Kaiser
Nina N. Kaiser
Doctoral candidate at University Duisburg-Essen and University of Applied Science Trier, Twitter: @aquakaiser, Executive Team Member of YESS
Go to the profile of Niklas Weins
Niklas Weins
Looking at knowledge in our changing world: China and Latin America, the environment and the State
Go to the profile of Nita Shashidharan