[video] Natus System: an environmental legacy to humanity

Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2021

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Watch the Natus System Pre-launch video here

Get to know the Natus System of Environmental Cryptoassets, which proposes the creation of an Environmental Legacy to Humanity through forest conservation and the financial autonomy of Private Environmental Reserves.

To explain how this cryptoasset system works, on June 2, 2021 (on the eve of World Environment Day — which was on June 5), the Natus System was pre-launched on Jataí Capital e Conservação Youtube channel. The Natus System co-founders Flávio Ojidos, Laercio Machado, Karla Córdoba-Brenes, and Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho, shared the system’s objectives and functioning to an interested audience aligned with the values guiding the Natus System.

Why is forest conservation so important?

Forests have such biodiversity and offer us so many resources that we use every day, and we pay almost “nothing” for it. And on the other hand, they have been suffering from deforestation, extinction of species, pollution… the list is endless. That’s why we must preserve them. However, there is a scarcity of resources necessary for this, depending heavily on private initiatives, which also do not always have the financial autonomy to solve this problem.

Considering the need to build and maintain an environmental legacy based on the preservation of forests in Brazil and the world, the Natus System of environmental cryptoassets was created. This innovative initiative brings together entrepreneurs, Private Protected Areas owners (PPAs), and individuals by using the best of blockchain technology to strengthen the worldwide network of PPAs.

As Flávio explained during the session, the Natus System was born out of the need to create a robust mechanism to support those who have already taken the first step towards forest conservation: the people who own RPPNs (Private Natural Heritage Reserves in Brazil) or PPAs (Private Protected Areas). These people voluntarily took money out of their own pockets in perpetuity and decided to dedicate part or all of their properties to conservation. They took this first step, in most cases, without the certainty of future support.

“The Natus System of environmental cryptoassets is composed, in addition to the technology, mainly by people, companies, and organizations that are committed to building an environmental legacy for humanity. And what is this environmental legacy for humanity? Private Protected Areas (PPAs) with financial autonomy. This is the environmental legacy.” — Ranulfo.

These PPAs, like RPPNs and legal reserves, are essential for the conservation of the Amazon forest, the Atlantic Forest, the Pantanal, other Brazilian biomes, and the world. And when a PPA has financial autonomy, it has a steady enough cash flow to keep everything needed to make your area continue providing environmental benefits for today, tomorrow, and forever.

It is essential to say that when you make any contribution to the system (starting from $1 only), you will not only be contributing to the conservation of forests, but you will also be receiving benefits, including financial ones. The flagship of the Natus System is the Natus Units (NTSU), which are digital certificates that represent the benefits generated by private environmental reserves. In addition to this cryptoasset, there are also NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which are digital art pieces by artists who are also committed to building this environmental legacy. Such pieces will be used to benefit those who bought NTSU. And the third cryptoasset is Natuscoin, a cryptocurrency that will be released and distributed in 2023, aimed at those who are contributing to the environmental legacy — those who are buying NTSU.

“The idea is that this cryptocurrency will increase in value as the number of PPAs, of environmental reserves in the system increases, which shows that they are being conserved (…) Once they receive the financial resources, they are improving their conservation. So the increase in price is directly associated with the number of environmental reserves that are being benefited.” — Ranulfo

Also, think that many of these PPAs have a whole structure that accepts tourist visits, allowing people to go to the place, enjoy the experience and see with their own eyes how they are being preserved.

It is also important to emphasize that one of the main pillars of the system is transparency. With blockchain technology, NTSUs become transparent, unbreakable, and traceable digital certificates, serving as proof that that protected area was made for conservation. And the Natus Unit represents a year, a past period of conservation.

Today there are already five pioneering PPAs that are part of the system, and it is already possible to see what environmental benefits they generated in the last year. All this data is now transparently available on our website.

“So there is a symbolic benefit, an economic benefit, there is transparency, and in addition, you can not only contribute to this system, but the owner of the RPPN or the private area will receive (each time someone buys, he receives) a percentage of this money. So there is no intermediation and no loss; it is transparent.” — Karla

The idea is that everyone who is part of the system has benefits. And again, not just financial benefits, the benefits can be varied. And it is vital that everyone has an interest in the system’s progress so that all parties will benefit and a positive influence around conservation is created.

We invite you now to go to www.sistemanatus.com, register, and in the coming weeks, you will receive updates about the sale of Natus Units. The site is now available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

To watch the complete pre-launch live of the Natus System, go to:



Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita
Editor for

Bióloga, Fotógrafa e Criadora de conteúdo. “Vida plena, coração leve”