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Daily briefs on design, development, leadership, business, and culture.
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Focused work

For a little over a year I have been shifting from a maker’s schedule to a manager’s schedule.

Where I was once only a doer, spending my time making, I have pushed my way into higher level discussions.

Passing life on my phone

I’ve been using this awesome little app called Moment to track my phone use for the last 24 days. I knew I spent too much time on my device, but it’s worse than I thought.

I spend almost 5 hours on my phone a day! I average picking up phone once every 16…

Wait, other people can take your time?
Jason Fried

Interruption factories

Jason, you’ve called the modern office an interruption factory. In the years since you made that statement, it has only become more true.

Our calendars are one artifact of this. In an average week, I spend 25% of my time in scheduled meetings. And I’m nobody. The…