Naviaddress blockchain platform rollout

Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2019

Dear Navi Community,

We are thrilled to announce that now Premium Naviaddresses are available for purchase in more than 220 countries.

Our platform allows to

• buy and sell Premium Naviaddresses and obtain them through auction;

• sell a Premium Naviaddress by hosting an auction;

• buy a Premium Naviaddress directly with the “Buy It Now”- button;

• link the IPFS-based off-chain metadata to the existing digital ID.

Naviaddress gives an opportunity to transform a language-specific address and place description into digitized and searchable information. It comprises several layers — a geo-specific content database, three proprietary applications for users to create, share and search users’ naviaddresses, and a decentralized blockchain application which allows interaction with public Ethereum networks to buy and sell Naviaddress IDs. Implementing user-friendly digital location identity contributes to the mass adoption of blockchain-based products and services for the benefits of common people in daily life.

Follow our guide on how to acquire a Premium Naviaddress:

