Go to Navigating the Apocalypse
Navigating the Apocalypse
Navigating the Apocalypse — Collapse or Utopia
Note from the editor

Navigating the Apocalypse — Here is the situation we find ourselves in today at this pivotal moment early in the twenty-first century: We are basically apes with enhanced frontal lobes, with behavior instincts and emotions optimized for communal life in small wondering bands of hunter/gatherers. Many of these instincts and emotions we share with other mammals going back millions of years. Despite our many behavior instincts unsuited for an advanced civilization, we’ve built a global civilization by developing cultures and institutions that help us mold our behavior. Today our civilization is relatively peaceful and making substantial progress at improving the overall quality of life of most people on many fronts. Despite being built on a flawed foundation, we have the opportunity for additional widespread and rapid improvements if we manage it right.   However, our civilization is fragile and under stress. As it becomes larger, more complex, as it puts greater strain on the environment, and as it deals with increasing rates of change, the questions before us are: can we maintain our culture and institutions, and keep improving them to deal with a more advanced society? Or will

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Mike Ignatowski
High-tech professional, futurist, writer, and activist living in Austin Texas
Go to the profile of Paul Teich
Paul Teich
High-Tech industry analyst @AMD, technologist, I’ve thought a bit about AI @ImitatingMachin; I learn/think differently & advocate for others like me.
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Crunk
Jeffrey Crunk
#ClimateHawk, #BeyondCoal, energy news geek, Texan, parent, ENTP. Born at the right time. Opinions my own.