Dear Reader, I’m Still Alive and Well

Stella J. McKenna
3 min readDec 29, 2016


Oh, hi there.

I sent The First and Possibly Last Letter to followers of Navigating the Sea of Singledom in June 2015. That was a whopping year and a half ago, so please don’t be too irritated by this sequel.

Back then, I was excited to see the number of followers of the publication nearing 1,000. So what prompts this letter now? Well, today I received a notification telling me the number of followers is now over 5,000. Jeez. I don’t know who you people are, but once again: thank you!

I’d also like to apologize for a bit of inactivity on my part.

If you were following my Dating Series which sort of crossed-over with my Mike* Stories, you might be aware that I established a self-imposed end to those stories. What happened after the Unofficially Official End to Mike* stories is that we Officially Became Official.


It’s true.

Like bf-gf stuff and it’s all a little bit gross.

But here I am now in a happy little relationship and I have NOTHING to write about! Well, nothing particularly interesting anyway. You’d probably only enjoy me gushing about the fact that I’m happy for exactly 4 minutes. Because happiness, unfortunately, doesn’t really make for interesting writing. Without dating, without Tinder, without the drama of juggling several dudes at once… I’m left in uncharted romantic writing territory. I do have a few ideas and things in the works, though, so stay tuned. Here are some topics that might be coming up:

  • The importance of sexual compatibility
  • A Valentine’s Day gift guide for kinksters that’s actually kinky and not super lame like “light a scented candle”
  • The perks of being in a middle-distance relationship
  • In which I review sex toys?
  • In which I give you love and sex advice?

Those last two are iffy. That last one, though, I’d LOVE. Give me your thoughts, please. Both on that and in general… what do YOU like to read about?

Okay, let me get back on track…

To sum up,

  1. Thank you for following Navigating the Sea of Singledom and continuing to read despite the slowdown in activity. You are all fucking awesome.
  2. I am in fact alive and well, but I’ve just been sucking at the whole writing stuff frequently thing. Sorry for that.
  3. If you’re not already reading and following some of the other contributors to the publication, well you should! So check out: Jing Jing, Ryan Hussey, @ladyspinster, and Klara Theophilo, among others.

Secret Easter Egg:

Even though I don’t really want to write a whole lot about my relationship, I do, occasionally, share little blurbs via tweets. So if you’d like more tiny little Mike* stories, follow me on Twitter! (I’ve taken to calling him “The Boy”.)

I hope you’re all also alive and well! I wish you all love and peace and joy and someone to snuggle with when you need a snuggle…

Thanks again for reading, and hit me up anytime at

❤ Stella



Stella J. McKenna

Mystery woman by day. Writer by night. Hopeless yet unrelenting 24–7. I like to contemplate: love, sex, feelings, quantum physics, and pop music lyrics.