Weekly Update — December 7

Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2018

Team Update

- Orion has successfully completed over 260 AI tasks
- The team is collection and processing all Orion main network feedback problems.
- Optimized the security and stability of the platform and the customer experience.
- Continue to develop and test the AI user payment method for the Orion cloud platform.
- Updating the Nebula AI website
- Optimization of the AI worker download client
- Adding a Task detail feature to AI User layout.
- Deployment of the China Ledger and performed testing of each node.

Orion Platform Update

The Orion platform has reached commercial grade standards to meet with enterprise needs. We will be promoting sales as soon as possible


We are in cooperation with Universities research institutes in Canada.

AI Users instructions and demo video

Release of the AI user instructions has been released.

We also published the AI user demo video on our Youtube channel

CoinBene Token Swap

CoinBene supports the NBAI swap. Deposits and withdrawals for NBAI tokens was suspended on November 29, 2018 at 11:30 (GMT+8), and the switch to main network tokens is in progress on CoinBene.
The swap is expected to be completed in one week.

NBAI Token Swap

The NBAI token swap to NBAI coins started on November 15, 2018 and will end on May 15, 2019.

You can start the swap on our token swap website

Please follow the token swap process according our the instructions

For any questions regarding the swap you can ask on our Telegram community

WeChat public platform update settings

Nebula AI WeChat public platform has been updated, users can view the important announcements on the main page.

Scan the QR code to see Nebula AI WeChat group




Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.