Nebulas and 500 Startups Held a Silicon Valley Meetup

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4 min readJan 31, 2018

The Jan. 30th Nebulas meetup in Silicon Valley featured Nebulas founder Hitters Xu and Nebulas advisors Edith Yeung and Chris McCann, a sold-out crowd, great conversation, and Nebulas swag!

Nebulas and 500 Startups held a meetup, “Blockchain & Crypto Investment Trends in US and Asia,” at The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center on January 30. Nebulas founder Hitters Xu, advisors Edith Yeung and Chris McCann illustrated Nebulas’ project, the blockchain ecosystem in Asia, and today’s trends in blockchain to a sold-out crowd.

Nebulas advisor Edith Yeung, Nebulas Founder Hitters Xu and Nebulas advisor Chris McCann

One important piece of the discussion was about the current blockchain bubble. Both Xu and McCann believe the blockchain bubble isn’t exactly a bad thing because it has drawn attention and funds to the industry while providing more resources for deserving blockchain projects.

On this topic, Xu said, “Blocktrain is a trend. All we need to do is go with it. Nebulas put a lot of effort into the white paper. The white paper and our vision speak volumes about our confidence in blockchain technology.”

The sellout crowd

There is also a future of blockchain that has yet to be defined that Xu is very excited about. He spoke about his determination to discover a new blockchain world and to define new rules. This fits in with Nebulas’ new “Yes, We Believe!” philosophy.

During the event, Xu shared Nebulas’ New Year’s resolution. He said Nebulas will not just be the Google of blockchain, but the next generation of blockchain. Nebulas will build a new dimension and whole new infrastructures to the blockchain world.

As for China’s increasingly tense ICO policies, Xu agrees and understands the government’s demand for economic stability. He believed these policies did effectively put down the crypto-mania in China and eliminated speculators. In fact, these policies have promoted mutual learning between blockchain startups inside and outside China.

“It’s different now because we are not just learning from Wall Street and Silicon Valley.” said Xu. “They are also learning from us. The learning process is mutual now.”

An attendee gets ready to ask a question

When an audience member asked Xu how Nebulas attracted new developers, Xu emphasized Nebulas’ three key technologies: value ranking, self-evolving mechanism, and incentives. By using the Developer Incentive Protocol, developers get a higher Nebulas ranking score when he or she gets more users. Nebulas aims to build a powerful, available, and inclusive platform for all people.

Nebulas founder Hitters Xu talking with the audience

When it comes to competitors, Xu prefers to use the word “contributors” over competitors. To Nebulas, the real spirit of blockchain lies in a supportive and open source community rather than contribution. Nebulas cares about the future of blockchain instead of focusing on instant profits. At the end of the event, Xu called for more believers to contribute to the blockchain community.

The crowd mingles outside the event

The January 30 event exceeded expectations with a sold-out crowd of over 250 guests attending and another 700 people on the waitlist. For those interested that could not get in, a livestream was held for them to watch outside the room. The event was also broadcast to thousands through YouTube. You can view the broadcasts on YouTube and Facebook. For the first time, Nebulas handed out official t-shirts, posters, and stickers, which the crowd eagerly accepted.

Thank you to everyone who attended and watched the event! Nebulas believes strongly in the future of blockchain and is happy to share the “Yes! We believe” philosophy with others. Stay tuned for details on future events.

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Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.