Nebulas Incentive Program Security Announcement

Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Season One of the Nebulas Incentive Plan is now into its fourth week. So far, more than 2100 DApps have been deployed on the Nebulas mainnet, surpassing the number of DApps on Ethereum. Many developers have also carried out their own promotion campaigns to raise awareness for their DApps on Nebulas, and we are happy to see the community’s activity in supporting developers’ communications. That being said, we noticed that some of these DApps are being promoted in misleading ways. As a result, we are issuing the following announcement to make sure that everyone in the community stays protected against misinformation:

1. Be wary of “official” Nebulas DApps

At the moment, the only DApps developed by the Nebulas team are our web wallet and the NAS Nano mobile wallet, and other basic services that support the Nebulas Incentive Program. At the moment, our priority in terms of development is to improve our blockchain infrastructure in order to provide developers with the best opportunity to realize their DApps. Critical infrastructure development is what we are focused on, and we have not expanded into other categories of applications, such as game development. Therefore, DApps that claim to be “official exclusive games” by Nebulas are lying. We are monitoring the platform with diligence to catch these bad actors.

2. Nebulas is not doing an airdrop

Nebulas has not conducted any form of NAS airdrops right now. Any announcement of NAS airdrops in the community are fake. If you find any mention of fake NAS airdrop announcement, report it immediately to the relevant social network on which the announcement appears as well as to the Nebulas team ( If there are any airdrops of NRC20 tokens, then they are being conducted by the community, and are in no way associated with the official Nebulas team. Please be vigilant against fraud.

In particular, pay attention to screen participants in these airdrops and be vigilant against all requests for your private key. Do not share your private key. Anyone who has access to your private key has access to all digital assets safeguarded by that key. Nebulas is exempt from all losses that stem from participating in fake airdrops, giving away your private keys, or similar activities.

3. Cheaters on the Nebulas Incentive Program will be severely dealt with

Recently, we found that individuals or teams in the community are offering supposed paid services to help people improve their DApp rankings in exchange for payments. Please do not trust these claims. This has caused confusion among the developer community and they raised the issue with us. Nebulas has been considering of anti-cheating measures long-before the launch of the Incentive Program. There’s no proof that it is possible to pay to improve your rank. To enhance transparency, we also publicized that our ranking algorithm integrates a variety of factors, including activity, application quality, and so on. But similar with search engines rankings, there will always be cheating and anti-cheating behavior to game the algorithm. This is a long-standing struggle. Please think logically. Don’t trust rumors in the community about cheating in Nebulas Incentive Program. Be aware of this trick or scam that offers to improve your DApp ranking in exchange for a payment.

We have a zero tolerance for cheating or those who break our rules, and we encourage our community members to report such bad behavior.

We also urge all developers, referrers, and community members to concentrate on improving the quality of DApps and contributing to the health growth of the Nebulas ecosystem.

Please see this article to learn about the specifications for the Nebulas Incentive Program. What is a high quality application?

Click to download the Nebulas DApp design specifications

In addition, after a developer submits their DApp, they must ensure that the DApp’s address is stable and accessible. If the Nebulas DApp audit team can not access the file after several attempts, the DApp will not pass review. Developers who do not pass their review should make the relevant repair and submit an appeal.

If your DApp was rejected to Nebulas Incentive Program and you wish to appeal, please send an email to to file an objection.

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.