Nebulas Weekly Report #6 Nov 27, 2017

Yipei Li
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2017

Welcome to the #6 of Nebulas Weekly Report, delivering developments in Nebulas projects.
Nebulas Weekly Report is maintained by Nebulas Developer Team.
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LAST WEEK’S News and Reports

Nov 25, Initiation of “NAS Token Bonus Program”

We are initiating the NAS Token Exchange Program with Bonus, for which a further 5 Million NAS tokens will be distributed to existing NAS token holders. To date there are 5 Million NAS tokens in circulation, fully distributed to accredited investors. These tokens make up 5% of the total amount of NAS tokens. Read project details.

After attending the Singapore Fintech Festival, the Nebulas Team returned to China with more programmes lined up. Nebulas Founder, Hitters Xu, subsequently spoke at a Beijing meetup and a lecture in Shanghai.

Nov 23, Beijing: Beer & Blockchain Meetup

Hitters sharing the concept of Nebulas Framework.

On Nov 23, Hitters was an invited speaker for a meetup session in Tron Space, Beijing. In his brief 10 minutes sharing session, Hitters shared on the Nebulas project, touching on the topic of “The world of Blockchains and how it should be valued” and engaged with the attendees in a Q&A session. The other invited speaker includes the Founder and CEO of Zipper Global, Mr Antii Saarnio.

Nov 25, Shanghai: Tongji FinTech Meetup

On Nov 25, Hitters returned to his alma mater, Tongji University, to share with the Fintech department on the topic of “The world of Blockchains and how it should be valued”.

During the session, Hitters shared his entrepreneurial journey of how he founded China’s first public blockchain, NEO, to his current newly founded company, Nebulas. He also touched on the concept and nature of blockchain system; how blockchain provides value confirmation and how a token act as the transfer of this value. Hitters went on to elaborate about Nebulas’ decentralized, open-source blockchain network and its fundamental framework. With an open-source algorithm, verifiable computation result and distributed storage, Nebulas went one step ahead of Google, achieving “Can’t be evil” instead of “Don’t be evil”, opening the doors to a new world.

Hitters also pointed out that with the launch of Nebulas test net next month, it’s just the beginning of exploring the new world and the real beginning of how blockchain innovation can change the world.

Hitters sharing on the “Can’t be evil” concept.

After the sharing session concluded, non-technical attendees understood more about blockchain and its uses. Eager to find out more, Hitters encouraged the attendees to join Nebulas’ rich ecosystem to understand more about the real value of blockchain and the limitless opportunities waiting to be discovered in the technology and more importantly, to make the blockchain ecosystem even stronger!

Hitters interacting with the attendees.

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This session was proudly organised by Tongji Master of Finance and Suzhou Tongji Fintech Research Institute, which has engaged both Nebulas’ CEO Hitters Xu and CTO Robin Zhong as Fintech lecturers. Hitters also visited their “Blockchain Talent Management” program, sharing his insights and experiences about the blockchain community with the students.

Hitters sharing

Hitters sharing his insights and experiences about the blockchain community students of the “Blockchain Talent Management” program.

LAST WEEK’S Top Commits

This week, we are glad to have finished the v0.4.0. In this version, we focused on the stability of Nebulas and achieved three goals:

  • Added execution limits mechanism in the V8 engine, including gas consumption limits and CPU/Memory resources limits.
  • Added metrics counter, collecting the real-time status of Nebulas.
  • Added JavaScript Toolkit, including various HTTP-RPC APIs and an integration testing framework.

One more thing, in this version, we not only support developers to write smart contracts in JavaScript but also in TypeScript. Enjoy it!

This week’s work includes:


  • Refactor require() implement in V8;
  • Added more unit tests in V8;
  • Added TypeScript support in V8;


  • Improved stability;


  • Added an integration testing framework;


  • Improved stability of REPL;


  • Improved stability;


  • Started the development of PoD algorithm in a new feature branch.

Learn more about Nebulas on Github.
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