Sending NAS from your Wallet

Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2018

Nebulas Wallet Part 2

YouTube: watch this tutorial on YouTube.

How to Send NAS from your wallet to another wallet

Continuing from my previous tutorial: Creating a NAS Wallet

Step 1

Go to your web wallet directory and go to index.html

Click the index.html.

When the Browser opens go to the Send NAS tab

EXAMPLE (below)


Select your wallet KeyFile.

Find your KeyFile

Step 2

Enter your Web Wallet Password that you created from my previous tutorial

Enter in Your Password and Click Unlock

Click Unlock

Now you should see this:

Lets have a quick run down of what these text boxes filed with numbers mean.

Here we need to fill out a TO ADDRESS, Value / Amount to Send and Nonce.

TO ADDRESS is the receiving address. It will be receiving the NAS.

Value / Amount to Send is NAS. This means the number you enter is the amount of NAS that you will send from the FROM ADDRESS to the TO ADDRESS.

NONCE is a counter for the FROM ADDRESS. Basically, this keeps track of how many transactions that were sent with the FROM ADDRESS.

Gas Price is the amount of the gas and how much will be burned for the transaction.

Gas Limit is the max gas that will be burned.

The example values above for Gas Price and Gas Limit are default values.

Learn more about Gas Price and Gas Limit from the wiki page.

Nonce should be 1 if this is the first transaction for the From address

Step 3

Click Generate Transaction

Here you will see a Raw Transaction and a Signed Transaction

Step 4

Click Send Transaction

A pop up will show. This is where we confirm our FROM ADDRESS, TO ADDRESS and NAS VALUE


We should receive a TxHash and a Receipt.

NOTE: You should copy the TxHash to look up transaction details later on.

Great Job! We have just created a transaction on Nebulas

Next tutorial we will Sign a Transaction Offline




“Genius” is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly, a ‘genius’ is often merely a talented person who has done all of his homework — T.E.