21st Century Learning — Wordle

This post was originally published on April 18th, 2012

In EDTL 6360 at BGSU we were required to utitlize Wordle (wordle.com) and produce a digital artificat that contained words about education and technology. We were further instructed to use words…

Thinking of a Different Classroom

This post was originally published on April 16th, 2012

On March 3rd 2012 I was able to attend Edcamp Columbus held at Upper Arlington High School. This event was a gathering of people who were there because they are passionate about education…

Tools of the Trade — Evernote

This post was originally published on April 16th 2012

Evernote (www.evernote.com) is a tool that I wish would have been around when I was in school lugging around a 3-ring binder with notes and assignments for different classes. When it comes to…