Go to Nembol e-commerce Stories
Nembol e-commerce Stories
Marketing, e-commerce, and retail content. For brands and retailers alike.
Note from the editor

Nembol makes it quick and easy to publish products online, and allows brands to distribute perfect content to their retail network | www.nembol.com

Go to the profile of Guido Meak
Guido Meak
3 times tech founder, with a background in economics
Go to the profile of Daryna Yatsiuk
Daryna Yatsiuk
https://darynayatsiuk.com/ Marketing specialist with focus on e-commerce, video marketing, social media marketing. Entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Emanuela Notarnicola
Emanuela Notarnicola
Digital marketing specialist and SEO strategist in the tech and e-commerce field.
Go to the profile of Guido Meak
Guido Meak
3 times tech founder, with a background in economics
Go to the profile of Daryna Yatsiuk
Daryna Yatsiuk
https://darynayatsiuk.com/ Marketing specialist with focus on e-commerce, video marketing, social media marketing. Entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Emanuela Notarnicola
Emanuela Notarnicola
Digital marketing specialist and SEO strategist in the tech and e-commerce field.