Go to Neo-Cybernetics
Neo-Cybernetics is a holistic discipline that merges systems, design, ecological and futures thinking to study and architect complex systems. It bridges scientific tradition with innovation, steering systems with insight, intention, and forward vision.
Note from the editor

Neo-cybernetics is a modern evolution of traditional cybernetics, blending classic systemic theories with contemporary scientific advancements and societal needs brought by the driving technological and social forces of the 21st century. At its core, neo-cybernetics seeks to understand and guide complex adaptive systems in an age of rapid technological growth and global interconnectedness. Beyond the mere study of systems, the neo-cybernetics movement advocates for responsible technological stewardship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a holistic view of our interconnected realities.

Go to the profile of Daniele Nanni
Daniele Nanni
Developing Neo-Cybernetics to empower humanity. Exploring AI's impact on our world.
Go to the profile of katoshi
Software Engineer and System Architect with a Ph.D. I write articles exploring the common nature between life and intelligence from a system perspective.
Go to the profile of Wolfgang Stegemann, Dr. phil.
Go to the profile of Joel Miller
Joel Miller
AI & intelligent systems consultant. Developing products & services for the intelligence revolution. IntelligenceRevolution.ai
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Mr. Alias Moniker - Musings of a Young Old Man
Making Wisdom Cheaper on the Mind, one Fractal Loop at a Time. A diary into my journey to understand the common denominator of all things
Go to the profile of Philo Sophies
Philo Sophies
I run a science and philosophy blog "philosophies.de" and Youtube Channel "Zoomposium" which tries to give the different disciplines an interdisciplinary podium
Go to the profile of Stella Achenbach
Stella Achenbach
Metaverse & System Designer, Founder of The ALANA Proejct and avid Gamer