Case Study: The ALANA Codex

Daniele Nanni
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2023


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As announced in our last monthly review, we’ve partnered up with The ALANA Project, a decentralized community that for nearly two years has been working as a hub of creativity and learning.

The partnership aims to create a symbiotic relationship where cybernetics principles are embraced and improved to enhance the social structures of a global community.

The long-term goal would be to create a learning environment that is technologically advanced, decentralized and deeply human-centric.

Context: Achievements and Challenges of the ALANA Community

The ALANA community, since its inception in 2022, has been a hub of creativity and learning spanning across a number of projects and work streams such as the ALANA Magazine and the ALANA Boutique.

Boasting a plethora of educational content ranging from brief learning modules to forum discussions on Web3 technologies, the community has made significant strides in making learning accessible and enjoyable to a general audience that doesn’t necessarily know about blockchain technology and would like to learn more about capabilities and use cases.

The ALANA Project has successfully tapped into the potential of virtual learning environments, creating a space where knowledge and entertainment exist together.

This fusion has created a dynamic learning atmosphere that not only fosters a deep sense of belonging among its members but also cultivates a culture of inclusive learning. This innovative approach goes beyond formal educational models, engaging members in a way that is enjoyable, insightful and immediately applicable to real world scenarios.

However, as with any decentralized online community, maintaining a sense of cohesion and belonging can be a challenge. The community, diverse in its membership and expansive in its reach, faces the ongoing task of ensuring that every member, regardless of their entry point or background, feels an integral part of the ALANA narrative. This challenge is not just about keeping members informed but also about fostering a sense of shared history and purpose.

The ALANA Codex: Enhancing Sense of Belonging

In any community, particularly online decentralized ones as ALANA, fostering a sense of belonging is crucial to foster participation and spark contribution from members. Shared history and a deep culture are the cornerstones of this sense of belonging. They provide a common ground for members to connect, relate, and feel part of something larger than themselves.

The ALANA Codex plays a pivotal role in cultivating this shared narrative.

The Codex is an official record of all pivotal events that occur within The ALANA Project and it’s accessible by acquiring a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that is recorded on the Polygon blockchain platform and which represents a digital embodiment of the Codex itself.

The ALANA Codex Introductory Video

By chronicling the community’s events, discussions, and milestones, the Codex unfolds as a living history that is accessible to all members. This repository does more than preserve the community’s legacy, forging the foundation of the collective identity of the ALANA Community, fortifying cohesion and fostering a sense of belonging for the community members.

Furthermore, the Codex acts as an instrumental tool for newcomers to quickly acquaint themselves with the community’s key events and discussions. By breaking down barriers to entry and participation, the Codex ensures that the onboarding process also helps new users get additional context around community events and projects.

By interacting with the Codex, members can review the most current records through a dedicated Google Sheet link embedded in the metadata of this contract.

For a comprehensive dive into historic records and additional files, such as images or video recordings, members are invited to connect their wallets to DarkBlock a decentralized platform for publishing content and media. By authenticating their NFT ownership on this platform, they can access and review the spreadsheet in the form of a ‘dark block’, immersing themselves in the history and ongoing narrative of the ALANA community.

The Role of the Keeper

The Codex was designed to foster a culture of responsibility and engagement within the ALANA community. At its core, this culture is upheld by the Keepers, individuals tasked with maintaining the Codex and serving as the custodians of the community’s information and history.

The essence of the Keeper’s role is beautifully captured in their creed:

I stand at the heart of our endeavors, attuned to the constant flow of our collective journey.

I am a modern guardian, grounded in the wisdom of data and information.

In tranquility, I embrace the currents of our progress; in turmoil, I embrace the tempest, standing with unwavering commitment.

My essence is not in control but in protection, ensuring that our path harmonizes with our purpose, safeguarding our spirit and our story.

By acting as “modern guardians grounded in the wisdom of data and information”, the augmented role of the Keeper embodies a deep commitment to protecting and preserving the collective spirit and story of the community.

The Keeper has been defined as an ‘augmented role’, or part of a set of roles that operate in tandem with traditional community roles, which often follow a more hierarchical structure. These traditional roles have established frameworks, where responsibilities and powers tend to increase in direct correlation with the commitment and level of contribution of their respective members.

In contrast, augmented roles, such as the Keeper, are designed to be more flexible and adaptable, although they still require a significant level of dedication and contribution. This flexibility empowers individuals to discover their unique niche and determine the depth of their engagement, aligning with their personal devotion and enthusiasm for the community’s advancement and conservation.

Taking on an augmented role offers an avenue for those who possess a deep sense of responsibility and passion to play a vital part in shaping the community’s future, and also opening up for additional opportunities for getting rewards and compensation.

Lessons Learned and Future Prospects

Since the introduction of the ALANA Codex, there has been an uptick in community engagement and growth. The Codex has become a community artifact that sometimes sparks discussions and incentivises having a structure where events take on a deeper significance as they are recorded into the annals of a shared history. The act of recording allows them to weave a narrative that connects the past, present, and future, providing context, understanding, and a sense of continuity for both new and old members.

The ALANA Codex

Reflecting on the journey of the ALANA Codex, it’s clear that while there have been successes, there have also been challenges. Getting members to take on the role of the Keeper in order to regularly contribute to and update the Codex requires significant encouragement, and potentially the implementation of operational documentation that explains the role and responsibilities of a Keeper and how to become one.

This documentation could not only elucidate the role but also serve as a motivational tool, highlighting the integral part Keepers play in preserving and enriching the community’s shared history.

Looking ahead, an exciting evolution is on the horizon. The role of the Keeper will be integrated with two other key positions, forming a dynamic trio of ‘augmented roles.’

The augmented roles are an implementation of a neo-cybernetic organizational model for decentralized organizations I’m currently working on. More on this will be presented in the upcoming months.

As mentioned previously, this integration represents a harmonious fusion of fluid roles that operate in parallel to more formal roles usually present within organizations, offering a more layered and multifaceted approach to organizational governance and community engagement and attempting to implement a bottom-up approach to resource management and allocation.

By doing so, we aim to create a more robust, interconnected, and efficient operational structure that not only respects but also enhances the diverse dynamics of decentralized communities.


  • Simmel G. (1988). Soziologie: Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung (Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe, Volume 11). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Original work published 1908.
  • Weber, M. (1978). Economy and society: An outline of interpretive sociology (G Roth & C. Wittich, Eds.; E. Fischoff et al., Trans., 2 Vols.). Berkeley: University of California Press. (Original work published 1921–1922)
  • Rheingold, H. (1993). The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. MIT Press.
  • Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. Simon & Schuster.
  • Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (Revised ed.). Verso.



Daniele Nanni

Developing Neo-Cybernetics to empower humanity. Exploring AI's impact on our world.