Go to Nerds Almundo
Nerds Almundo
Notas de interés, tecnología e innovación
Note from the editor

Notas de interés, tecnología e innovación

Go to the profile of Almundo blog
Almundo blog
Primera Comunidad Global de Expertos en Viajes. ¡Comparte tu “Small Data”: los pequeños detalles que hacen grande tu viaje con #AlmundoCommunity!
Go to the profile of Emiliano Grasso
Emiliano Grasso
#ProductManager #fintech #travel #LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/emilianograsso.
Go to the profile of Franco Morinigo
Franco Morinigo
Software Engineer | musician and surfer hobbyist
Go to the profile of Tomer Klechevsky
Go to the profile of Fede Boero
Fede Boero
Product Manager
Go to the profile of Josue Rios
Go to the profile of Eugenia Casabona
Eugenia Casabona
Global Head of UX en Ripio, Founder at DIUXR, UX Teacher, Life Coach, PNL practitioner and mother of twins
Go to the profile of Federico Nahuel Boero
Go to the profile of Kevin Kraus
Go to the profile of Victoria Klepetar
Go to the profile of Gaston Viau
Gaston Viau
Innovation Engineer. Helping to improve the world through customer-focused tech products. 2X Co-Founder. Marketplace Lead Manager @Uber. Husband & Runner
Go to the profile of Jorge Gómez
Go to the profile of Franco Fagioli
Franco Fagioli
Head of Product & UX
Go to the profile of Lex Martínez
Lex Martínez
Full-stack Javascript Developer based in Medellín, CO, with 10+ years of experience building web/mobile apps.