Nervos Community Update: July 2020

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
6 min readAug 7, 2020
Graphic with text “Nervos Monthly Newsletter”

From ecosystem integrations to partnership announcements to CKB development updates, July has been packed with exciting updates. While we release network updates on a regular basis, moving forward we’ll bring you a monthly roundup of the latest updates from the Nervos Foundation, our ecosystem and development team, and you — our community.

Below are the monthly highlights and latest updates from Nervos.

Nervos integrates with China’s Blockchain-based Services Network (BSN)

We’re excited to announce our upcoming integration with BSN, China’s Blockchain-based Services Network!

The integration is set to go live on August 10th with the launch of BSN’s new International Portal and will make the Nervos blockchain available to millions of potential users and developers through the International Portal.

Check out the full announcement.

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Image with logos for Nervos and BSN, China’s Blockchain Service Network

Nervos joins Coinbase’s Rosetta to simplify blockchain integration

While the blockchain space is ripe for innovation, there are some barriers that can slow development. One of the major obstacles for developers is blockchain integration.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our new integration with Rosetta, an open source toolkit from Coinbase designed to make blockchain integration simpler and more effective.

Through the integration, Nervos developers will be able to build on Nervos CKB without writing custom parsing, and exchanges will be able to easily access data on blockchains and tokens much faster.

Read the full article.

Help us spread the word!

Image with logos for Nervos Network and Coinbase’s Rosetta

LeapDAO to Build EVM-Compatible Sidechain Framework

It is with great excitement that we announce LeapDAO will be building an EVM-compatible sidechain framework for Nervos!

With this framework, developers will be able to utilize the breath of existing Ethereum contracts and tooling to build sidechain applications that leverage the underlying security and flexibility of Nervos.

You can read the full announcement.

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Image with text “Nervos Grants Program”

Introducing UDTswap: Automated token exchange using multiple liquidity pool economy building on Nervos

UDTswap is an automated exchange protocol using multiple liquidity pool economy on Nervos. UDTswap is a decentralized exchange that replaces order books with an on-chain liquidity pool. Any liquidity pool can be created. In addition, existing automated market maker (AMM) protocols can set a base currency and create a token pair, but there is no limit to the base currency in UDT swap.

Read the full article.

Image with text “UDTswap”

More Ecosystem & Community Content

We read more great content from the community this month. Make sure to share and mention @Nervosnetwork to have your content included in our next roundup!

Recent Developer Guides and Resources

Grant & Project Updates

New grant applications keep coining in! Head over to Nervos Talk to check out the latest!

Community Events

Nervos participated in many events throughout July, both online and offline. Let us know on Twitter @NervosNetwork if you attend an event!

July 5

“Nervos and friends” offline event in Hangzhou, China

Guests at Nervos’ recent offline event in Hangzhou, China

July 16

AMA with Nervos co-founder Daniel, who discussed the “road of public chain on DeFi progress” with other blockchain leaders during Math Show hosted by Math Wallet.

Event flyer from Math Show event hosted by Math Wallet
On July 16, Nervos participated in an AMA session with other blockchain industry leaders.

July 28

AMA with Nervos cofounder Daniel on the impact of BSN on public blockchains in the Beep community.

July 29

AMA with Nervos cofounder Daniel on DeFi in the 499 Block community.

July 30

AMA with Nervos community manager Williams on the story of Defi in the imToken community.

Nervos CKB Development Update #38

Jun 29 to Jul 12, 2020


  • The latest release of ckb is v0.33.1, which fixed a security advisory GHSA-r9rv-9mh8-pxf4.
  • We are working to limit ckb memory usage.
  • Tentacle now has a Go version.

Status Update

CKB v0.33.1 has been released to address the issue of GHSA-r9rv-9mh8-pxf4. We observed a surge of uncle rate on Jul 1st. It in turn increased the block interval. From a consensus algorithm’s perspective, a large block interval should lower the uncle rate. However, it did not work. The root cause was that a miner did not synchronize the local time, which was about 15 seconds ahead, and there was a bug in the code that would ban peers which relay the block more than 15 seconds in the future. Thus that miner was banned by most peers and could not catch up with the network’s latest block and continuously produced uncle blocks.

We received some complaints that the ckb node consumes too much memory. Xuejie met a similar issue when he tried to port ckb into ARM and ran ckb on his Raspberry Pi which only has 1G memory. So Boyu has started a series of work to confine the memory usage of CKB. He has already achieved some progress, such as not caching all headers in memory during header sync.

Chao had submitted a PR to schedule block download tasks between peers according to the history latency statistics. We are running more simulation tests to find better parameters.

Chao also finished the first version of Tentacle Go. Implementing the framework in another language taught Chao a lot and he started reflecting and refactoring the Rust version.

There are more and more requirements to use ckb as a library. So Quake had made various refactoring to make ckb more friendly to be used this way.

We know that our RPC error messages are not ideal. Ian recently submitted three PRs to improve the RPC error messages.

Nervos CKB Development Update #37

Jun 1 to Jun 28, 2020

Changes in CKB

We have:

  • Released CKB v0.33.0.
  • Improved chain sync performance. (#2067, #2081)
  • Added a new sub-command replay to verify the local chain (#2045)
  • Fixed a vulnerability that ckb process crashes on invalid input. (GHSA-pr39–8257-fxc2)
  • Added document to explain different protocol handles in tentacle. (ProtocolHandle)
  • Supported updating log levels dynamically via RPC (#2113)
  • Added RPC truncate to ease testing and development (#2064)
  • Removed RPC estimate_fee_rate for performance issue (#2126)

We are:

  • Separating code and hot data in database for performance. (#2118)
  • Improving RPC errors. (#2038)
  • Introducing fail points for test. (#2090)

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