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Net Promoter Score
Net Promoter Score
The Ultimate Guide to all things NPS
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How A Change in NPS Impacts Renewal Rate

The Net Promoter Score can be a useful metric — it tells you how your customers views of…

How to use the Net Promoter Score to build a product people love

First published on The Path Forward by Dharmesh Raithatha

The term building a product that people love is frequently used in the startup world. But love is…

How have companies gamed their Net Promoter Score?

Over the years at Promoter, we’ve seen many tactics used by companies (and even some NPS software providers) to attempt to “game” the NPS score ranging from manipulating the order of the numbers to leading a customer to a more sympathetic…

Is Net Promoter Score a ‘vanity metric’?

This may seem kind of strange to hear coming from the Co-Founder and CEO of an NPS software company, but by itself, the actual NPS score is largely meaningless. It’s a vanity metric, or at best, something used by VC’s to evaluate investments, or CEO’s to…