Finding My Perfect Medium Story Length

Why 2 to 3 Minutes Works for Me

Never Stop Writing
2 min readJun 19, 2024


I am still working on what the best length of story for me to write is.

I have found that it is not me that dictates the length, but normally the story.

For what I write, I have noticed that two to three minutes is a good time, and that seems to be good for readers.

Photo by Jack Hunter on Unsplash

I think most of my ideas can be completely covered in three minutes without me having to just add extra content for the sake of it. I mean, I do not want to, as Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓 said, bore the readers.

I think being concise and to the point makes it good for readers as I am respecting their time. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with long articles, but only if they need to be long and not just dragged out.

Photo by Marcel Eberle on Unsplash

I have read some good stories here that have been up to ten minutes. These stories required that time and were a good read.

Personally, three minutes is good, and a few times I have taken this to four or five minutes. But that is the most I can do.

So, this is my writing time now: two to four minutes. There, I have said it, and now I will not feel pressured to write for longer.


A questions asked of me:

Are you best suited as a contestant on Jeopardy or Family Feud?

Family Fortunes is the British version of Family Feud, and I really enjoyed the series when it was on.

I am definitely best suited to Family feuds as when the family is around during holiday, we are always playing quiz games and we had the box set of family Fortunes

Find more questions and answers here:



Never Stop Writing

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.