ICOs, Token Report, and Blockchain News: Finding Clarity Through the Noise

New Alchemy
New Alchemy
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2017
Photo by Sebastien Gabriel

When ICOs first appeared on the horizon, they were heralded as the perfect solution to financing open source projects run by foundations. Today, even as the total funding raised through ICOs stands at $3.8 Billion, the word has, unfortunately, developed a bit of a reputation. The ambiguous regulatory ground that ICOs stand on, the too-good-to-be-true success stories, and the few outright scams all feed into the fear, the hype, and the warnings.

In large part, this is an information problem. Anyone trying to figure out the ICO market, even experienced crypto-investors, are slammed with a disorienting cacophony of information. What is available is often unverified, outdated or just plain inaccurate. And the onus falls on individual investors to comb through forums, white papers, and social media. The solution? A transparent, trustworthy information layer.

Which is why we’re applauding the coming together of New Alchemy affiliate Token Report, a financial data service for cryptocurrency investors, and Blockchain News, a news site covering blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. Token Report’s meticulous baseline, must-know data on every ICO of interest and its tracking of major ICOs’ trajectories is just the kind of clarity the space needs. And now with Blockchain News added into the mix, ICO investors will have a comprehensive news and information hub. Although related, the two business lines will continue to operate independently according to a Medium post by Token Report’s CEO, Galen Moore, announcing the merger.

Blockchain News will remain an ad-supported news site; Token Report will remain a subscription-based financial data provider. However, the two will share resources, taking advantage of the synergies between a financial research operation and a newsroom.

This is a game-changer for the ICO landscape and for anyone looking to invest in the space. Much needed transparency and accountability are growing in the world of ICOs and cryptocurrency through trusted information hubs like this. We’re rooting for it.



New Alchemy
New Alchemy

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