An Energy Group / Higher Self Channeled Message

The Astonishing Vastness of the “Soul Dimension”

The number and diversity of souls in 6D is mind-boggling for our 3D human brain — and that’s a good thing!

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readSep 14, 2021


by James Cridland (cc-by,

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

I heard Christian Sundberg on Buddha at the Gas Pump today. In answer to a question, he said that the diversity of souls is far greater than the diversity of humans on Earth. We humans are pretty much all the same in comparison.

That response was in answer to a question about the diversity of spiritual teachings. I found it insightful in understanding some of the confusing contradictions I hear from spiritual Channelers these days. But the universe is infinitely more confusing!

People mostly place individual souls in the 6th Dimension (6D), and oversouls in the 7th Dimension (7D). They place most of our Spirit Guides (including the Higher Self, beneficial ETs/galactics, and Guardian Angels) in the 5th Dimension (5D), though some put them higher.

For more on the spiritual dimensions of reality, see:



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)