Part of the Global Ascension series

Explainer: The Soul, Oversoul, Soul Family, Soulmate, & Soul Contracts

[Updated January 28, 2024] Understanding the soul from contemporary spiritualist perspectives.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
40 min readJan 17, 2021


by Giancarlo Foto4U

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


[1] Definitions
— [1.1] Limits of Human Words & Concepts
[2] Duality & the First Soul
[3] The Universal Glue

— [3.1] Soul Families, Soul Collectives & Parallel Souls; — [3.2] The 12 Aspects; — [3.3] Old Souls
[4] The Oversoul & The Higher Self
—[4.1] Dreams; — [4.2] Oversoul “Life Review”; — [4.3] Multiple Soul Families & Oversouls; — [4.4] Universal Mind or “Superconsciousness
[5] Soul Contracts & Agreements
— [5.1] Soul Cooperation & Goals; — [5.2] Free Will; — [5.3] Soulmates & Twin Flames
[6] Dark Night of the Soul
— [6.1] Soul Retrieval
[7] Aligning the Ego & Soul for Instant Manifestations

[1] Definitions



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)