The Absolute is Always Right Here

Here Are 11 Simple Ways the Infinite Surrounds Us Everywhere & Always

[Updated August 26, 2022] How to know the infinity of God / Source / All-That-Is in the time & space that surrounds.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
11 min readSep 20, 2020


An Infinite Horizon — image by Dimitris Vetsikas

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WE, at least those of us on a spiritual path, often hear that “we are God” and that “everything is God”.

We can logically, perhaps, understand that universal oneness if we define ‘God’, ‘Source’, or ‘All That is’ as the original energy of creation and the essence of everything in the universe.

Even most religions see God as universal and eternal. If true, of course, then everything is an aspect of God. And, of course, “we” must also be an aspect of God because we cannot be outside of “everything”.

Furthermore, to contain everything in existence, including an ever-expanding and emerging universe, requires that “God is infinite”. At least that is how my logical mind sees it:



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)