Spiritual Explainer

How the “Law of 3” & the “Third Perspective” Make Our 3D World

[Updated July 19, 2021] We dissect our reality into 3 to find the “Third Perspective” that will take us beyond the duality of life.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readNov 10, 2021


By Anja Pietsch (Flicker.com, cc-by)

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.

A video popped up on my YouTube account recently about the Law of 3 (from Gaia TV, link #(2) at the end of this article). That “law” states that for something to exist physically in our 3rd Dimensional (3D) reality, it must have the dimensions of Width, Height, and Depth (space), and it needs a Past, Present, and Future (time). Nothing can physically exist in 3D without these two sets of 3.

Non-physical things can exist in our 3D reality without Width, Height, and Depth. But they still need a Past, Present, and Future. Non-physical things include thoughts, emotions, ideas, and words, as well as ghosts, spirits, angels, and other non-physical beings.

The next day, a Matias De Stefano video appeared in which he mentioned the Holy Trinity of reality (link #(3) at the end of this article). That is how we humans make sense of our 3D existence in different ways through sets of 3 things. Examples he gave included Spirit-Soul-Body…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)