NEC Introduction for New Writers

New Earth Consciousness — Description, Goals, & Guidelines

Supporting our Planet’s 5D Awakening & Ascension

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readAug 28, 2020


Photo by author, derived from

Updated 23 March 2024. Non-Medium Subscribers can access this full article here.

Welcome to “New Earth Consciousness”

Description: Earth’s ascension to a spiritual 5D has accelerated in recent years, bringing new opportunities to create a better world for all. ‘New Earth Consciousness’ supports this transformation by publishing positive, heart-centered, and heart-lifting writings for the future of our planet, as well as the awakening of all who call Earth our home.

Goals: New Earth Consciousness seeks contributing writers who:

  1. Recognize that both we and our planet have been undergoing a social, psychic, and spiritual transformation since at least 2012, and especially starting in 2020, toward a more expansive dimensional plane of awareness and creativity.
  2. Know that division, separation, “othering”, and resistance to positive change are major barriers to humankind’s ascension, and that oneness and unconditional love are key to creating a New Earth.
  3. Wish to help the planet and its occupants ascend to a more expansive dimensional existence in the smoothest way possible by writing positive and innovative articles, poems, and other spiritual messages and writings to share with the world.

The publication’s emphasis is on spiritually positive ways that the planet and humankind are transitioning (or can transition) to a more awakened state of existence. Appropriate topics are those related to moving the planet into a 4th and 5th Dimensional reality, and include (but are not limited to):

4D & 5D Spiritual Technologies, Skills & Understandings

  • Psychic skills development, such as intuitive and telepathic communication, dreamwork and dream travel, and channeling aliens and other dimensional entities
  • Alien contact, interplanetary/galactic travel, time travel, and past/parallel/future life regressions
  • New paradigms in science (free energy and new forms of transportation) and medicine (psi, consciousness, quantum psychology, energy healing)
  • Personal experiences with any of these topics
  • Personal perspective, opinions, and insights on any of these topics
  • How to use any of these topics to positively enhancing our life and human experience

4D & 5D for a New Earth

  • How to transform our societies and planet through:
  1. Awareness and practice of universal oneness and respect for human diversity and our natural environments, recognizing that everything has value and purpose in life
  2. Increased international cooperation to end wars, conflicts, poverty, and environmental degradation
  3. Transformation of our economic system toward more local orientations with a less pronounced global influence, and more focused on meeting needs over accumulating profit
  4. Transitioning to new forms of governance, education, and religion to reflect these new values of oneness and cooperation over competition

* * NOTE * *

NEC does not include writings that emphasize fear and division within ourselves and our societies without providing a positive solution aligned with the values expressed above.
— Fear and division are real issues for many people in our 3rd Dimensional reality. These need to be addressed as part of humankind’s ascension. However, focusing on these challenges without offering a clear path to transcending them does not help and does not align with the love and oneness message of this publication.

Also — Please avoid using AI generated text. Medium does not allow this for paywall articles. See their full AI policy here.

How to Write for NEC

Please email your request to become a writer for New Earth Consciousness to me (Alan Lew) at <>. Be sure to include you Medium ID (or link to your page) so I can see what you have written. Additional comments are appreciated but not required.

NOTE: Do not respond to this article asking to be added as a writer. I used to allow that, but I now find it too cumbersome and I will not reply.

According to Medium, articles (or stories) in publications (like NEC) are read about 5 times more than those not in a publication. But be aware that having your article appear in NEC does not guarantee many will read it. You still need to do the work of writing something people want to read.


After you have been added as a writer for New Earth Consciousness, you will need to “Submit” your article to this “publication”. Use the drop-down menu (three dots) while in Editing mode and select “Add to Publication”. You should see New Earth Consciousness on the list. Select it and then click on “Done”.

You will be taken back to your article where you can edit it more. You may submit it as a “draft” (not yet published on your own site) or as an already published article. Older, but relevant, articles are welcome.


1 — Use a Grammar Checker. I review a few of these in this article:

2 — Include an Interesting Photo at the top of your article. In general, photos that attract more views people, landscapes, or both. Make sure you cite the source (a link is best) and can legally use the photo or image. See this article for guidance.

3—Use Subheadings and Short Paragraphs to guide readers. Most Medium readers skim articles by focusing on headings and the first sentence of a paragraph. Shorter paragraphs are easier to read than long paragraphs. Inserting a break (press <Control-Enter> on a PC) before each Subheading is also helpful for readers.

4 — Include a Subtitle. Medium prefers Subtitles that are a full sentence. Place the Subtitle below your Title and format it with a small “T” (the Title was formatted with a large “T”). The word “Subtitle” should appear in the left margin after you do that. If you do not have a Subtitle, Medium will use the first sentence in your story instead.

5 — Consider adding a Kicker. A Kicker is like a formatted like Subtitle, but it is placed above your title. It is usually 1 to 5 words indicating the subject matter of the article.

6 — SUBMIT (again) & ADD TOPICS (“Tags”)
Once you are finished editing, you will need to click on the word “Submit” at the top of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to add up to 5 Topics (these used to be called “Tags”).

  • New Earth Consciousness has 2 Topic Sections (on the menu bar) — “Spirituality” & “Channeling”. If you include one of those words in your “Topics” list for your article, then the article will appear in that section. “Spirituality” is the most common Topic authors use for NEC articles.

After you have added the Topics and clicked on submit, you will get a notice at the top of the screen that your article/story has been submitted. I will then look it over and publish it within 24 hours (or at least that is my goal).

  • I sometimes spread articles out a bit, so every article has some time to be seen at the top of the NEC homepage. That only applies for “Drafts” that are submitted to NEC. If you “Publish” your article before submitting it, then I have no control over where it will appear on the NEC homepage. (Note that most other Medium publication only accept articles in “Draft” form.)

How to Master the Medium Editor

  • I suggest watching this video (⬇️) on YouTube for a comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Medium Editor. This video was created in 2021, but I think the Editor has not changed since then, although many other aspects of the Medium website has changed.


New Earth Consciousness has a Facebook group. BUT. I no longer post there. Still, if you are interested, go to:

New Earth Consciousness (Facebook link)

Thanks for reading this…

Alan Lew
Editor, New Earth Consciousness

Visit and Follow New Earth Consciousness (NEC)



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)