Commentary on Verse 1 of the “Xin Xin Ming”

Pure Witnessing is How Truth Reveals Itself

It happens when you and your attachments to your story end.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readMay 13, 2023


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“Pure witnessing, without a witnesser, is effortless when there is no self, no you with preferences and a story.

It happens when you and your attachments to the story end. That is how truth reveals itself.

Anything other than pure awareness is self-delusion.”

Is it possible for there to be witnessing (or seeing, sensing, being aware), without a witnesser (or someone who sees, senses, or has awareness)?

Most people would say “no”, it is not possible for there to be awareness without someone or something that is aware. It is not possible to have any experience without an experiencer.

Some would say “yes”, pure awareness, without a self that is aware, is possible. Most of those would say yes because various forms of Buddhism and Hinduism teach that a state of pure awareness in which there is “no self”…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)