Finding Spiritual Truth

“The Law of Attraction” & “Radical Nonduality” Are Powerful Opposite Truths

Each perspective has a sliver of the truth. The whole, complete, or absolute truth contains all of those slivers.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
12 min readJan 6, 2022


by darkday (, cc-by)

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The Law of Attraction and Radical Nonduality are an example of two common New Age (or New Thought) spiritual beliefs that are the opposite of one another. The major differences are:

Law of Attraction — assumes there is a doer (an ego) who has free will to manifest or create their own reality. We manifest by positive thinking and changing our beliefs.

Radical Nonduality — assumes there is no doer (no ego), no free will, and reality just happens without purpose. The seeming appearance of a doer, free will, manifesting, and purpose are all illusions.

That is about as opposite as anything I can think of.

Here, I explain my understanding of the differences between these two belief systems. I also suggest a way of seeing how they connect with one another.

The Law of Attraction



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)