What Do We Know About Life On Lemuria?

remembering a higher dimensional existence on Earth

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readJun 18, 2024


(Reyna Park ’24 with collab)

For many lightworkers and old souls, memories of past lifetimes are becoming increasingly available. One of the more prominent experiences that we share is the memory of Lemuria.

If you are a “starseed” or old soul, you may have incarnated on Lemuria, a civilization of the 5th-7th density. This civilization was the first to be anchored on the planet, before the age of Atlantis, and before the modern age of humanity in the 3rd density.

Historians, philosophers and theologists have long known about Lemuria, but not always by this name. In fact, the Garden of Eden is a reference to the lost land of Lemuria.

Given that this civilization existed within a higher dimension and used little to no technology, the only information we have about Lemuria is that given to us by our spirit guides or accessed by the soul memory of those who incarnated there.

Soul memory is simply to remember — to have visions or feelings of another time and place. This typically occurs during meditation, but can also occur intermittently while we are living our day to day lives, like having deja vu.

From what we remember of Lemuria, it was indeed a divine garden.

Lemuria was at least two, if not more, major islands like Hawaii. It was lush and green, with thriving fruit, vegetation and animal life.

The life on Lemuria had 5–7th density consciousness. What was this like?

People communicated with each other and their spirit guides telepathically. Much like the “game time face” athletes give each other before entering competition, telepathy is a subtle form of communication that is transpersonal. A thought or feeling that is felt by one is felt by all.

In Lemuria, people, animals, and plants lived in pure benevolence and harmony with each other. This means there were no parasitic configurations in nature.

Furthermore, there were no malevolent thoughts or inclinations. The people’s thoughts and feelings towards each other were loving. This is the norm in 5th density and higher; if the majority of thoughts were of fear, there would be too much chaos and noise. Loving thoughts are smooth and pleasant; fearful thoughts are sharp and disruptive.

The animals and plants of Lemuria were also incorporated into this telepathic existence. When one was walking among the trees of Lemuria and noticed a monkey, that person and the monkey would exchange feelings of mutual joy. Indeed there was much subtle conversation between animals and people. This feels like a tickling in the heart. All of nature was alive with richness and pleasure.

The people’s thoughts, feelings and actions towards animals and plants were loving. They were stewards of the land, and lived in rich abundance without doing harm. The people ate a vegetarian diet.

What did people look like in Lemuria?

When I access my memories of Lemuria, I see people who look like modern day Polynesians or native islanders.

When my guides were showing me my Lemurian lifetimes, they jogged my memory with this animated penguin character from a movie I’ve seen.

What did people on Lemuria do?

People on Lemuria lived much slower lives than we do now. Like grazing animals in a pasture, they spent much of their day in stillness. This stillness may seem boring, but with so much telepathic feeling to keep one entertained, there was more than meets the eye.

Additionally, the Lemurians understood the great value in stillness. They understood that stillness is a way to connect with each other. They also knew how to connect with their spirit guides, who could help them find food and avoid natural disaster. The Lemurians understood that keen listening skills are required to access this sacred connection.

Eventually, as the Earth’s frequency descended, Lemurians lost their sacred connection to their guides. This was beginning of what lightworkers call “The Fall,” a descent in awareness that has caused humanity to lose its connection to the divine. This decline caused chaos and confusion that can still be active in our lives today if we have not processed those memories.

If you are a lightworker or old soul, part of your healing during this lifetime will be to move through the trauma that we endured from “The Fall.”

I have wrestled with deep feelings of abandonment and grief related to losing the beauty of this civilization, and living many lifetimes afterwards “in the dark.” At times, I’ve felt abandoned by God himself. Even if you are not a lightworker or old soul, we are all experiencing a period of separation from the divine. As we heal, we come closer to the divine.

These are challenging emotions to move through, but in my healing I have realized that I can re-create a lifetime similar to Lemuria here on Earth.

Lemuria was a highly beautiful and peaceful society. What do you remember about it? What do you want to take from this memory, and how can you bring it into your life now?



Leave 50 claps if you loved reading! Let’s stay in touch: Reyna Park

