Why “I Am” Is the True Spiritual Awakening

A true spiritual awakening means to awaken to spirit: your true self, your being.

Zenobia Hong
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readAug 9, 2024


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“That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.”

–Eckhart Tolle

In the Bible, the book of Exodus, God calls Himself YHWH and tells Moses when he encounters the burning bush, “I am that I am.” When the most basic participle, this redundant and oversimplified sentence (I am that I am) is used to create everything into existence, it understandably can leave many scratching their heads.

The truth often lies in the root. Bear with me.

“I am” is the formless where form can be shaped from.

To Be or Not To Be

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The renowned Shakespearean line “to be or not to be” is celebrated for its profound contemplation during its era. This could also be understood as “to exist or not to exist”.

“I am” comes from the verb to be. The literal definition of the verb to be is to exist. Existence. It is one of the easiest verbs to overlook, yet, few realize that it is the most important one because it is the base layer to bring anything into existence. To be is the base participle that forms continuous tenses. I am happy, I am sad. One must be first for any other layer to be added. After all, we are human beings. “I am” is the formless where form can be shaped from. Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning of YHWH to be “He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists”.

The power of breath is an underestimated source back to Source.

Breath of Life

Stevica Mrdja / EyeEm from Getty Images

Breathwork exploded in the past few years. As more and more people become conscious around the globe, there is an increasing collective demand where people subconsciously or consciously seek the root of what makes them fundamentally alive (be)—breathing. The power of breath is an underestimated source back to Source.

Every being on Earth exists through the Breath of Life. Scholars say the letters YHWH, also known as the tetragrammaton, originally spelled out only with four consonant letters (Y-H-W-H), mimics the sound of breath. Therefore, in each breath that you take, you are calling the name of God, which is a fundamental part of who you are.

God = YHWH = I am = To be = To exist = Breath = Life = God…

This is the ultimate form of presence—the transcendence of time and space, bringing you to the here and now.

Spiritual Awakening

A true spiritual awakening means to awaken to spirit, your true self, your being, the “I am”. Under the layers of emotions, thoughts, self-concepts, and identities we have created for ourselves, we can begin to experience existence (being). This becomes the ultimate form of presence—the transcendence of time and space, bringing you to the here and now. In simply being, each moment becomes all that there is, all that is needed. It’s a feeling of being at the right place, at the right time and doing the right thing, even if it’s a simple mundane task such as doing the dishes. Problems no longer become problems—they just are and there is an immense sense of relief and peace that follows that: liberation. It’s a complete surrender to what life has to offer, moment by moment and you begin to understand the meaning of true blissfulness. Life can become a continuous flow state.

Through the natural unfolding and progression of one’s awakening, everything becomes a path of least resistance. Things suddenly seem to become ever so simple and clear, a knowingness that does not come from overthinking but rather from this flow state emerging from the essence of your being. You know what to do and how to do it, moment by moment effortlessly. One can begin to realize that this beingness has always been there and can think ‘How could I have missed it when it was right under my nose this whole time?

“We need enlightenment, not just individually but collectively, to save the planet. We need to awaken ourselves. We need to practice mindfulness if we want to have a future, if we want to save ourselves and the planet.”

–Thich Nhat HanhHumanity’s Great Purpose

We are currently witnessing a global phenomenon where more and more people are awakening around the world at a rapid pace like we have never seen before. When you live from a place of your True or Higher Self, you begin to experience the meaning of true free will. This kind of freedom comes with a chance at a new destiny.

Awakening to your true self is the gateway to a higher consciousness. We are living during an extraordinary time: we are witnessing and participating in the beginning of the grand planetary shift into the New Earth. As the conscious collective grows, it increases Earth’s vibrational frequency to eventually ‘tip over’ onto a new paradigm and dimension. But first, we must awaken on an individual level. It starts with you.

Your fellow lightworker



