Spiritual and Nondual Awakening

You Can’t Fake “Unconditional Love”

Unconditional Love is all there is. But we, as a separate ego-self, can never know it unconditionally.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readJan 24, 2023


photo of a padlock in the shape of interlocking hearts
by Eric Sonstroem (Flicker.com, cc-by)

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Love” is one of the most powerful words one can write and speak.

Love is something we all want. But even when we have it, we never have enough of it. We have written innumerable stories, songs, dramas, and comedies about love. Yet it is impossible to define exactly what it is. It is a feeling and a knowing, for which words always fall short.

That said, I think the word “Unconditional” may be even more powerful and challenging. “Unconditional” means without boundaries or limitations of any kind. In that sense, it is “infinite”.

We cannot directly experience boundless and limitless infinity because the use of a word instantly creates a boundary. Even to call it an “experience” immediately cages the unconditional with the conditional definition of what an experience is.

Unconditional Love as Spiritual Awakening



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — http://www.AlanLew.com (paywall-free article links)