5 Best Places To Find Writing Ideas For Newbie Writers

Ideas are everywhere.

Biliz Maharjan
New Writers Welcome
4 min readMar 4, 2022


Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Write every day.” That’s the advice given to newbie writers.

But writing every day requires discipline. You need to build a routine that keeps the writing habit consistent. And for that, you need two essential things:

  1. Time
  2. Idea

Make time to write every day. Do it whenever you feel inspired. It is best if you do it at the same time every day.

The “idea” part is tricky. You might not always have great writing ideas. I’m sure every writer has come across a situation where they sat in front of their computer — staring at the screen — not knowing what to write about.

Most writers learn to manage time and find better writing ideas once they build a consistent writing habit.

However, finding both time and ideas can be challenging for newbie writers. I will discuss where new writers can find ideas to write about in this story.

Are you ready?

Let’s go.

1. Medium

Medium contains hundreds of stories on different topics. You can find many writing ideas by reading these stories.

Start by reading Medium articles on the topics that interest you. Then, write your own story. It does not mean you can copy or paraphrase the same thing that other writers have written before.

Come up with new ways to talk about the topics. For instance, you can add more to what other writers have said. Similarly, you can also write about the topic from a contradicting viewpoint.

Besides Medium, you can go to other writing platforms and blogs to read stories and find writing ideas.

2. YouTube

Just like Medium, YouTube also contains a massive amount of content. You can find thousands of videos on any topic on the platform.

Watching interviews, vlogs, documentaries, news, so forth can help you find loads of ideas. You can take a clip from a video and talk about that in your story.

I’m sure you have watched something on YouTube and then wanted to show it to your friends immediately. Maybe the video contained something inspirational, funny, or informative.

Instead of only sharing the video with your friends, you can also write about it and share it with your readers.

3. Books

We read books to learn. They contain life lessons, stories, and other inspirational content.

If you don’t read books, you miss out on an essential part of life. Make it a habit to read every single day. That is compulsory if you want to improve your life.

To be a better writer, you need to be a better reader first. Read books, highlight the essential parts, take notes, learn, and share.

You can write about a chapter from a book, share its summary, talk about what you learned, or review the entire book.

4. Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer platform. People can ask questions about anything on Quora. They can also answer other people’s questions.

To find writing ideas on Quora, you just have to search for the topic you know about and find questions related to it.

Write a story that answers people’s questions. The good part is that you can later repurpose your story and share it as an answer to the questions on Quora.

5. Thoughts

Your thoughts are also a place to find writing ideas. What do you think about most? How do you feel? Identify your thoughts and write about them.

The best practice is to keep a journal. Write your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and goals in your journal. Journaling every day is an excellent habit for self-improvement.

Go through your journal and find something you have written in the past that could be an excellent topic to write. Share some of your personal stories with people. They might inspire, motivate, and help others improve their lives.

Final Thought

Writing every day is the best way to become a better writer. The lack of good writing ideas should not stop you from writing every day.

Even if you don’t have a good topic in mind, you shouldn’t stop writing. In such a case, you can write about your thoughts, feelings, events of the day, the things you learned yesterday, and so on.

I started free-writing, and it helped me become a better writer. Free-writing is when you sit down and type out words in your head without worrying about grammatical errors, editing, and publishing. That comes later (if you decide to do it.)

I have free-written many stories but haven’t published them because publishing is not my goal. Instead, my motive is to exercise my writing muscles and build a consistent habit.

If you like my work, please buy me a Ko-fi as I am currently unable to earn from Medium.

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Any amount will be appreciated. Thank you.



Biliz Maharjan
New Writers Welcome

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: bilizmaharjan.com/subscribe