External Referrals Growing For Me!

It’s exciting but is it good?

Michele Baumgardner
New Writers Welcome



After checking my daily stats, I’m noticing a trend. My articles are getting a higher percentage in external referrals, and in some cases, eclipsing the internal views. I realize that some of these are because of readers who receive the articles via email but since it lists where they are being seen, I also see bing and google, as well as some other sources. It’s exciting to see that but what does it mean?

Is this a good thing? I know it doesn’t pay earnings, but I’m also pleased that the articles are being read somewhere, but since I’m new to this, I’m not sure how that all works. I wonder if it’s good or bad. I really want readers, of course on medium, but everywhere else too!

So far, the stats show that my article that got the most reads was “Do My Followers Read My Articles?” and I’m still wondering about that since I’ve learned more about medium and know that you can isolate followers' articles. I’m not sure how mine is seen. It looks like a random list and when I refresh it, the top article changes, so what makes an article show at the top of the list? When I read your articles, I scan through the titles and stop at whatever sounds interesting. I know some of my titles aren’t so great and I’m working on that, as well as the pictures I’ve chosen, but I’m so eager for just one…



Michele Baumgardner
New Writers Welcome

Former Examiner.com Child Development writer and 4-year blog writer. Then life got in the way. Starting anew with Medium; I'm excited!!