Inspiration and Respiration Have The Same Route

Wonders come from within. Stop wondering about the results when you align yourself with their demands.

Sana Naz
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Photo by Kirill Lazarev:

We are seeking inspiration but underestimating the value of air.




I sat slouched for hours. When straightened, I felt I’ll stay the same with my bent vertebral column.

… Feelings of a 25 years old lady.

They said Charismatic People maintain a strong posture, keep their back straight, and open their chest and arms to breathe better and feel relaxed.

Own your space and have excellent posture, and it will work wonders for your charisma.

Until now, all I thought about was my heart, brain, and stomach.

And the rest will take care of themselves.

Today, I actually learned the value of the Diaphragm

Don’t you feel embarrassed about the knowledge, about the things you carry within and are unaware of it for years?

Well, I really wish I knew it before. But,

Timing also has a timing.

Everything aligns with the time it is destined to.

No worries.

… It (diaphragm) not only makes space for the air but gives me a sense of inspiration.

Experience it 👇.

stand still,


deep breath,

hold air in for 3 seconds,

exhale now, slowly.

How’d you feel?

… a sense of relief?

… a bit confident?

… that you are ready to go to the huge crowd and let your thoughts out?

This is how the diaphragm, a major respiration muscle, is helping us.

If it is making a space for air, let’s give it space to help it function properly. Let the air carry enough oxygen in your body.

Our body must not be punished just because we own it. It deserves what it wants from us.

Stay hydrated.

Stay healthy.

Stay inspired.





Sana Naz
New Writers Welcome

MPhil Chemistry, Research Scholar/Assistant, Computer Operator, Freelance Writer, & A Lover of the Universe.