Understanding Newton’s First Law Changed My Life Forever

Newton’s Law states, “an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion keeps moving unless a force act upon it.”

Kalpana Khattri
New Writers Welcome
4 min readFeb 4, 2023


Photo by Science Source on National Geographic

Once I had a massive fight with my mom. It wasn’t huge, but I made it seem that way in my brain.

While complaining about what my mother did to my other family member, “I recalled every other incident when I was sad right from the age when I can memorize events.

Every time I came into conversation with someone next. I complained about the same matter.

I complained to my father and sisters and brothers and grandmother and classmates and neighbour kids. People in my life were tired of hearing my tantrums.

A while ago, I wondered. Why rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer? This is not the only case.

Still, we can’t deny that depressed people are getting one step ahead of suffering every day.

Insomniac people's sleeping hours at troublesome places. They are not getting good quality sleep.

Alcoholic populations are living more miserable life than ever before.

While on the flip side, self-disciplined people are getting more disciplined every day.

Cheerful individuals are getting happier every day.

Rich are getting richer and richer.

Did you find some similarities here?

I assume you did.

OK, let me explain to you! You can see if I can get your assumption right. But before that, let me again ask you a few questions for clarification.

Here we go!👇

Did you often question yourself, “Why you don’t like to move when you’re laying on the sofa?”

Or, “why do you like to watch more movies after you finished watching one?”

Or why “you can’t stop padding more sad thoughts when you’re frustrated or angry. “

Or, “Why does everything make you happy when you’re in a good mood?”

Exactly this is the question that Newton’s law answered me. Since that day, I’m a different person. I’m living a different life.

So what does Newton’s 1st Law Says?

Newton is a simple man. So does his theory. According to the 1st law, “the object will stay in the same state that it builds until a force acts upon it.”

Let’s take the above questions as a supporting statement for this theory.

This means when you run the sloppy downhill, gravity will pressurize you to run more. In the same way, gravity will pressurize you to stay at rest when you build the habit of sleeping all day and night.

This is the law of the universe. Of course, Newton is the first person to introduce this concept to the world. Every living person can agree to this by now.

Newton’s Law in Terms of personal growth

After reading this far, you can see that you attract the energy you radiate.

Like rich people get the chance to get accompanied by richer ones. They build their network. They learn the skills and keep growing.

If they stop that at some point, they’re going to get poorer. You know it.

Likewise, poor people with a consistent effort for evolving and growing will be among the riches in times.

When you focus on self-development, you’ll grow.

It may take some time to see results. Still, you’re showing up and doing things to be better each day means something.

Once you start and get committed to growth. There’s no going back. Until and unless external forces stop it.

Paulo Coelho once said, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

In a nutshell

It is hard to get started. It doesn’t mean you need not to push yourself every day to get better.

There’ll always be the space for growth. Life is all about growing.

It’s not about working for something all the time. Hoping you’ll finally find the time for some relaxation later on. Live in the moment.

Make growth your hobby. Do the things you love. Live in the moment. Live fully.

Above all, don’t forget Newton’s law. We can compare it to the law of attraction as well.

The law of attraction says, “You get what you focus your energy on”. Newton says the same.

Think of it this way: you lead yourself to one thing, and you will continue leading yourself to that path. Whether it’s success or failure.

So, dear friend, keep on evolving. I’m sending you some positive energy. Thank you for sending it from your side as well. Best wishes and Love.

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Kalpana Khattri
New Writers Welcome

Writer/Poet, student, multilingual, researcher, bookworm who believes in self-education. Reach me -