
Raunak Rajput
Newolf Society
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2021

This article is regarding a project by Aaditya S Goel, Anashua Krittika Dastidar and Raunak Rajput for the Newolf Society’s Icebreaker 4.1.

Photo by Mikita Yo on Unsplash

Problem Statement

Traffic still remains a huge problem in India. If you’re stuck in a traffic jam in Mumbai, Bengaluru or Delhi, you’re on one of the world’s Top 10 most-choked roads.

This is already unpleasant for the ordinary citizen, but it gets worse if a medical assistance unit is stuck in traffic. According to Times of India about 146,133 people were killed in road accidents in India in the year 2016. Out of these about 30% of deaths are caused due to delayed ambulance.

Another Indian government data shows more than 50% of heart attack cases reach hospital late, which can constitute unavailability of ambulances too but majority of it is due to patients stuck in traffic.


To free up traffic congestion using an alert system moments before an ambulance arrives to that particular location for a traffic less journey throughout its initial to final point.

Our Solution

An Alert system that would help relay information between medical centers and traffics control authorities and helps them coordinate their efforts with the following features

  • Prior alerts to vehicle-users in the path of the ambulance to ensure a hassle-free transition
  • A chat-based feature where respective traffic entities can exchange relevant information
  • Suggestions about faster, alternate routes for the ambulance
  • Notifying the authorities about the ETA of the ambulances
  • Provide assistance in directing the traffic in a way that would minimize congestion upon arrival of the ambulance
  • Help find nearest ambulances

Our Approach

We designed a website that shows the simulation of our idea.

It consist of a face page with all necessary information the user should know about our idea. The login button leads us to the login page which asks for your details and your X & Y coordinates. A preset route of the ambulance is set on the map for the simulation. If the coordinates of the user lie on the path of the ambulance, an automatic message will be sent to the user notifying about an incoming ambulance in the user’s path in sometime. This will allow the vehicles to adjust their position and move aside to make way for an ambulance to pass with no disturbances.


Aaditya S Goel

  • Worked with Firebase to make a chat system which imitates the alert. system.
  • Frontend of the components.

Raunak Rajput

  • Frontend of the website.
  • Helped with Mapbox API for map generation.

Anashua Krittika Dastidar

  • Worked with Mapbox API to make a Google map duplicate for our usage(with ambulance routes, coordinates, etc).
  • Integration of all components.

