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News From Nowhere
Personal Stuff. Spiritual Journey. Geopolitical Context. World News. Earth Changes. Endless Ramble. No Rules. No Expectations. No Jack. Just Wondering and Wandering. Till the End of the Meaning.
Note from the editor

Personal Stuff. Spiritual Journey. Geopolitical Context. World News. Earth Changes. Endless Ramble. No Rules. No Expectations. No Jack. Just Wondering and Wandering. Till the End of the Meaning. Editor’s Note: Experimental writing, thinking, and being. Bring it all in. Get those energies moving. All forms and styles are welcome. Not in it for the money but for life. Speak or Perish.

Go to the profile of Irena Curik
Irena Curik
Creative writer, storyteller, screenwriter, satirist, and visionary who breaks the rules and establishes new ground. Experimental theater and film director.
Go to the profile of Irena Curik
Irena Curik
Creative writer, storyteller, screenwriter, satirist, and visionary who breaks the rules and establishes new ground. Experimental theater and film director.