5 Things I Learned in 100 Days as IT Demand Manager at Porsche

Porsche AG
5 min readMay 23, 2019

Cihan Sügür, IT Demand Manager at Porsche, breaks down his main learnings after his first 100 days of Porsche employment into 5 major lessons we can all learn from.

When I told my friends about my intention to move from Hamburg to Stuttgart, most of them wouldn’t believe me: Why would I leave beautiful Hamburg for a job in a small town somewhere in the South. But for me it was simple: Hamburg may be cool, but finally working at Porsche is what I was longing for so long.

As IT Demand Manager at Porsche, I work at the interface between Business IT and Infrastructure & Platform IT — meaning I orchestrate the fulfilling of IT requirements of my colleagues in the IT sales department. Whenever they need something, I am their first point of contact. Since I now passed my first 100 days here in Stuttgart, I’d like to share five insights about working at Porsche with you — and let you know why I love it so much.

Talking tech during re:publica in Berlin
Talking tech during re:publica in Berlin

1. Stay humble: Modesty in great success

Even though Porsche is one of the most successful global brands, arrogance is not a thing. Nobody rests on the success. Instead, you can feel humbleness everywhere: there’s no showing off in the interior design, in style guides or communications. One of my dearest colleagues, who has been working at Porsche for years, even told me once: “We are a solid Swabian mid-size company, who happen to build good cars.” I didn’t expect to find the maxim “less is more” that strongly anchored in the Porsche culture.

2. Passion for the business

Humbleness on the one hand, passion for the business on the other one. From my perspective, no matter if you work car-related, in factory security, catering, HR or IT: Contributing directly or indirectly to the spirit of 911, Le Mans 24 or other major Porsche achievements is what motivates the Porsche employees everyday to go to work and do their best. It’s a great spirit to achieve more, to be better everyday, to push boundaries and to simply succeed. And everyone contributes to that. A proof point? The low fluctuation rate of only 0.7 percent in 2018.

3. Solutions at the cutting edge

The digital transformation has fully arrived at Porsche. No matter if it’s the products and services, customer relations or internal corporate processes: In every area, Porsche is digitizing. The best example is probably Porsche Digital, a subsidiary of Porsche AG, which develops digital services and experiences beyond the car such as the Porsche Road Trip app. At Porsche, I see digitization as not only a benefit for the customer but also an internal change process: With the use of robotic process automation and AI solutions, Porsche simplifies internal processes to work more agile. From what I have seen so far, I can say that there is no area nor department that is not dealing with and/or evaluating effects of digitization on the own work style, processes, and tools.

Porsche Digital — learn more: https://newsroom.porsche.com/en/porsche-digital.html

4. Keep everything in balance

What truly amazed me is how every principle, method or guideline is in balance with an equivalent value at Porsche. For example, design always comes with function, exclusiveness comes with social acceptance, performance comes with everyday usability. And what is the perfect match for innovation? Tradition! It’s probably no coincidence that the all-electric Porsche Taycan actually has the mix of innovation and tradition in its name — “Taycan” means “young, lively horse”, which implies the change of Porsche, a traditional company shaping the future of sports cars since more than 70 years, towards becoming a digital car company.

5. Never stick to the status quo

At Porsche, everyone knows that we are on the edge of fundamentally transforming our business model, that things are going to change massively and that we all need to adapt to that change. Because we know that current success is not a guarantee for a fruitful future. Our success is built on failing and learning and on traditions, fears, and challenges that we have to overcome. This is why at Porsche, we are actively encouraged to explore new paths and try out new things, to learn new skills and become experts in new fields. I love that my colleagues are not shrinking from new topics to be prepared for upcoming challenges and I honestly didn’t expect such a strong innovation-driven mentality.

Porsche in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen
Porsche in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen

In my opinion, this is the most exciting time to join the automotive industry: Digital services all around mobility, electrification, the future of sports cars and many more stunning topics are waiting to be tackled. To understand digitization as a major opportunity, not to lose the strong roots and to shape the future of mobility every day with the most motivated colleagues — that’s the spirit I experience at Porsche every day. And I believe that this is what it needs to achieve great things.

After almost ten years of professional experience in the field of digital, it feels like I am at the right place just at the right time. And to my dearest friends: Leaving Hamburg was definitely worth it ;-)

Cihan Sügür
Cihan Sügür

Cihan Sügür is IT Demand Manager at Porsche. For more details, get in touch with us on Twitter (Porsche Digital Lab Berlin, Porsche Digital), Instagram (Porsche Digital Lab Berlin, Porsche Digital) and LinkedIn (Porsche Digital Lab Berlin, Porsche Digital).



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