Adwords Quality Score Demystified

Let me remember, what Adwords Quality Score is:

Quality score (QS) is the metric that google uses to evaluate the “usefulness” of a keyword. This, together with the bid offered at the auction is going to determine the adrank of this keyword and…

Algorithmic Attribution

The Algorithmic Attribution is a conversion attribution model by which the conversion value is assigned to all the campaigns, mediums or keywords that have participated generating the conversion, but the system gives more ore less value depending the behaviour of the users.

Business Intelligence is the future of web analytics

Nowadays, my thoughts are that nobody doubts of the importance of web analytics in any digital strategy.

I’ve been working on online marketing and web analytics since 1999. In that period and up to 2005, web…

How does a low-quality score campaign impact on branded keywords CPC?

As an online marketing professional, I always have branded keywords monitored. Either SEO or SEM. So, we know that when we perform a branded keyword search on Google and our website does not appear, then we…

Understanding the Google Adwords Quality Score

What is the Google Quality score?

The Google Adwords quality score or factor quality is a value from 1 to 10 that Google itself gives to each of the keywords in an Adwords account in order to determine…